Chapter 16

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As soon as (Y/N) was let out of the hospital they got to work. Leon stayed with her to make sure she was good being back home. Piers and Chris would come over on the occasion with new information on Wesker. After the incident at Weskers' party, everyone kept a close eye on each other.

Whenever someone was at the door to (Y/N)'s they each had a secret knock to know who was there. It made things easier for each other. Alex would rarely leave the house after Piers told her what happened. She would normally stay in her room and come out for coffee and food.

One cold day Alex came out of her room to the quiet hum of the living room TV. As she went to turn it off she saw Leon and (Y/N) curled up together in a thin, yet soft mint green blanket on the couch. Alex pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of the two. She turned the TV off and grabbed the couple another blanket placing it gently on top of them.

This became a constant. Every other night Leon and (Y/N) would be fast asleep on the couch curled up into one another. And Alex would take a photo of the two. She wanted to get the photos printed out and hang them all over the apartment secretly until one of them figured it out.

About a week or so into the cold month of December Leon, Piers, Chris, (Y/N) and Rebecca found out what was going on in Weskers' mansion. Due to an additional outside source, they found out that Wesker was mass-producing another virus. The same virus he injected (Y/N) with when she was 16.

"So this is what happened to you as a kid," Piers questioned.

"I was 16 when he injected me with a virus," (Y/N) started. "It had the ability to make me faster and stronger. I was known as a freak because of it. I've been suppressing the virus for as long as I can remember."

Rebecca looked over to (Y/N) with an idea. "I know this might sound a little crazy but what if you stopped suppressing the virus and fought him using his own creations against him?"

Nodding his head Chris spoke, "It sounds so crazy it just might work."

"No," (Y/N) said. "It's not happening. I am not showing my father his creations decided to work. Figure something else out."

She walked away trying to hide her anger but failing to do so. She goes to her room and collapses on her bed. Leon knocks on her door frame in hopes to talk to her.

"If you're trying to convince me to do it I suggest you leave now," she tells him.

"Nah I wouldn't do that to you," Leon said. "I know this is hard on you so I don't want you to be forced into doing this."

Leon gave (Y/N) a soft smile. "I just want to make sure you don't think I'm behind this, but I think you are the only person that will be able to do this."

"You sound like Chris," she said. "You don't want me to do something then next thing you know you want me to do something I'll feel uncomfortable doing."

"I never want you to feel uncomfortable," Leon told, "I want you to know that you can do this and we are all here for you if you do it."

(Y/N) stood up from her seated position. "Look, Leon, if this was your father you can choose to do whatever you want, but not me," she says as she slightly raises her voice. "He may be evil and has done horrible shit to people but I still love him."

She leaves the room with Leon looking dumbfounded. (Y/N) walks into the living room with everyone else. She has finally come to a decision. Probably something she is going to regret till the end of her days. But before she could say anything Leon came running into the room.

"(Y/N) before you say anything listen to me," he says, "I understand that you still love him, he is your father but we need to stop him one way or another.

"Leon I can't defeat him but I can try and stop him."

"How?" Piers asks. "How can we stop him?"

"When I was a kid he would let me into the lab at our house. That's where he injected me with a virus. A virus that made me stronger, more agile, and health regeneration," she says. "If we go back to my childhood home the lab will most likely still be there since my father hated having to destroy his work. And to my knowledge nobody lives there, my father keeps it as some sort of vacation home."

"So we go to your childhood home and find the lab, then what?" Chris asks.

"We make an anti-virus and cure my father first, then we cure me."

"Do you know how to make an anti-virus?" Rebecca asks.

"Of course I do, I watched my father every day. I know what's in the virus and how to make an anti-virus, it just takes a few hours."

"So we find your home, make the anti-virus, and inject it to your father," Piers restates, "But how do we inject it into your father and how do we even find him in the first place since the incident?"

"That's where Ada will come in. She lets me know when and where my fathers' location is."

"Then I guess it's time for us to suit up and get to work," Chris tells everyone. 

Word Count: 941 

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