Chapter 7: A Man's Greatest Weakness

Start from the beginning

There is a small area of floor that's open with a jukebox against the wall that some people are dancing to some classical jazz music.

There aren't a lot of people in here, but the few that are seem to be having a great time either dancing or getting plastered at the bar, but not one person in the room has a frown. Everybody wears big smiles and delight in their eyes.

This place actually kinda reminds them of The Free Watchman back in County Mortal. The sight and feel makes them also unconsciously smile as they feel somewhat at home. Safe and comfortable in a way that they haven't had for what feels like forever by this point.

Edith only wishes she could also be here with Cree. He hadn't been back to the Watchman since they lost John either, so she can imagine seeing a place like this would be a sure way to get him smiling. She knows that man has got a soft spot for anything retro, which is one thing they have in common.

She had unintentionally zoned out, but she's snapped back to the moment when the song on the jukebox changes to 'Hit The Road Jack' by Ray Charles and she sees Colin rushing back over to her with a confident grin, holding out his hand.

She glares at him and tries to fight the temptation, but her resistance quickly dwindles and she rolls her eyes again. If he gets any cheesier, her eyes might just fall out.

She groans and takes his hand. "Fine. But only because I love this song."

Colin winks. "I know you do," he says before pulling her over to the dance floor, wrapping his arm around her while still holding her hand.

They sway in place for a moment, then Colin swings her out and pulls her in, spinning her around him and taking both of her hands in his own.

Edith sees the smug look on his face and rivals it with her own, accompanied by a sharp glare. Before he gets the chance to wrap his arm around her again, she moves aside and swings him out, letting go of his hand and he spins, turning back to face her and see her smirk.

He chuckles and mirrors her smirk and glare and he takes her hand again, twirling her around and holding her from behind, but she swiftly ducks under his arm and takes his other hand, swinging him away from her.

He dips towards her and has to quickly lean to the side to get his arm around her waist, being mindful to not touch her stomach out of fear for his life after he saw what she did to Fritz.

Now that he's got a hold on her again, he winks before twirling her around and dipping her back and she wraps her arm around his back, throwing the other over her head as he holds her parallel to the floor.

She doesn't know when her smirk turned into a smile, but she notices it when Colin doesn't let her go nor does he keep dancing. He just stares at her with his own smile that still holds a layer of smugness that she honestly can't tell if she hates or admires.

The moment is interrupted by the music suddenly cutting out, letting silence fill the room. Edith and Colin stop and let go of each other, quickly turning to look at the jukebox in confusion, only to see a man perched atop it with a big smile on his face as he watches them both and waves with a flutter of his fingers.

He has long, messy black hair and a tan complexion, his cheeks are dusted with freckles and his eyes are silvery-grey. He's wearing an unbuttoned white blouse and a dark green vest over it.

"Yoo-hoo!" he yodels.

They can't tell if his voice is the one they heard in the call, but it's clear that this man is here for them by the way he's staring at them and no one else. Edith clears her throat and looks up at Colin, taking a small step back from him. "What time is it now?" she asks almost timidly, not liking the way her face had warmed up a bit while dancing.

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