New Family

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Marinette sat in the living room, bored out of her mind. She was nearing the end of her pregnancy, so she was staying home more than usual. She hated it. However, it put her parents at ease, so she went along with it. 

Adrien wasn't home. He had just started his classes, and he chose them all in the morning. Her parents were downstairs running the bakery. 

It was just her and her baby. A baby that kept climbing up to her ribs. 

Marinette groaned, feeling it get harder to breathe.

"Louis," she placed a hand on her belly. 

She placed a hand on the armrest of the couch, using it as leverage to stand up. She felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She had been getting false contractions lately, and they kept getting worse every day. 

"Ow, ow, ow," she whined. After a few seconds, the pain subsided. Marinette let out a sigh. 

She slowly made her way into the kitchen but froze when she felt something run down her legs. She looked down to see a small puddle form next to her leg. Her eyes widened and her heart began to race. 

"Maman!" she cried. "Maman!"

She walked as best as she could to the open kitchen door and could hear someone run up the stairs. 

"Marinette?" her mom called out, worried.

"Maman! I think my water b-broke."

Sabine rushed in and noticed the small puddle.

"Oh my gosh. Tom! Tom! We need to take Marinette to the hospital!" Sabine yelled down the stairs. 

"Maman, I'm scared," Marinette began to cry. 

"It's ok, it's ok, honey!" Sabine rushed to Marinette's side. "Focus on your breathing. C'mon, let's go downstairs."

Tom walked in then, rushing towards Marinette. 

"I called your bodyguard, he said he's a few minutes away. Here, let me help you," he tried his best to explain calmly. Internally, he was freaking out. 

He picked up Marinette before walking down the stairs with Sabine following quickly behind. They closed up shop and ushered Marinette into the car when it arrived. 

Her parents sat on either side of her, trying desperately to calm her. Marinette squeezed her dad's hand, crying about how much her contractions hurt. They were getting worse and lasting longer. 

Adrien had just gotten out of one of his classes when he got a frantic call from Sabine, informing him that Marinette was going into labor. Adrien nearly dropped his phone. He didn't even bother to call his bodyguard to drive him. He chose to transform and run across rooftops to get there as soon as possible. In a panicked state, he almost walked in as Chat Noir before realizing that it would not be a good idea. 

He was so out of focus that he didn't come to until he was already by Marinette's side. She was squeezing his hand really tightly, crying. Marinette was in too much pain to register just about anything. She begged for the epidural and was able to relax for some time.

Sixteen hours later and Louis Agreste was here. 


Marinette turned around hazily to look at Adrien. He was sitting down next to her, holding their son. 

"He has your hair color," Adrien smiled. "I wonder whose eyes he'll have."

Marinette smiled. It took hours of painful pushing, even with the epidural, to birth her son, but she couldn't be happier about his birth. 

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