Intrusive Thoughts

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We've focused on sunshine child for quite a bit, let's see how blueberry child is holding up

Also, I use Hawkmoth instead of Shadowmoth bc reasons


Marinette barely made it into her room before she started crying again. Maybe she was just exaggerating about everything, but she couldn't focus on anything. She honestly didn't even know anymore. Her brain was a mess. She could barely think straight. It was getting harder and harder to go to school and act like normal. She had a feeling that Alya was catching on to something, but she wasn't sure if that was the case or if that was her nerves messing with her.

Did she say too much to Chat? Was she being inconsistent with her story? Was he catching up on her small lies? Everything somewhat revealing she only told to Chat, right? She hadn't told anything to Adrien. Right? Or maybe she let something slip to Adrien? She just word-vomited because of how nervous she was.

Why did both of them have to care so much about her pregnancy? Why did both of them have to care so much about her?

It didn't help when it came to making her decision.

As much as she avoided the topic with Adrien, she had thought about what she wanted to do. She already knew what she wanted; it was clear in her planning.

If she was being honest with herself, she doesn't want to get rid of the baby. She doesn't want to put it up for adoption either. But she was terrified of admitting it to herself. She didn't want to admit that she had grown an attachment to the baby. Keeping the baby would bring up so many issues that she wasn't sure she could handle.

How would Gabriel Agreste react? She knew he cared about image, so would he disapprove? If he did, what exactly would he do? Would he be angry and lash out at Adrien? Force him to stop seeing her? Prevent him from being in the baby's life? Would he go after her? Adrien would never let Gabriel harm her physically, but what about her reputation? She was an aspiring fashion designer. He could drag her name through the mud and ruin any chance she had at gaining notoriety. He could ruin her career before it even officially started.

And Adrien. How would he react? He'd be supportive if she told him she wanted to keep the baby. But would he feel pressured to do so? Would he feel forced to enter a relationship with her? She didn't want him dating her because he feels he needs to!

This was her opportunity to have a child with Adrien. This had been her dream since she was 14. But it felt wrong. It felt wrong to want this. Even in her daydreams, they were married adults with established careers. The reality was much different. They weren't in a relationship, and they were barely legal adults! Besides, it was her dream, not his. She doesn't even know what he thinks.

Chat was right; Adrien consented to sex with her. But it was a one-time thing. He didn't even know it was her, Marinette. How would he react to that? He at least liked Ladybug, but would his feelings change if he found out it was her under the mask?

Realistically speaking, how would she be able to raise the child? She'd have to put her dreams of university on hold temporarily. She didn't have an income, and she'd feel terrible putting the burden of a baby on her parents. Parents that still didn't know she was pregnant because she was terrified of telling them. She could sell clothing she made. She had some recognition from working with Jagged Stone and winning a few contests with Gabriel Agreste. But even then it would take time for her to get a steady flow of work. Adrien had money, but again, she felt like she'd be forcing his hand. Of course, he'd support her and the baby, but would it be out of free will or because he was forced to because she wants to keep the baby? It does take two to make a baby as Chat said, but it did little to rid her of her guilt. It just doesn't feel right to force him into something she wants.

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