You're Joking, Right?

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Marinette spoke too soon.

Things weren't so bad with Adrien, but she still had more people to tell.

She had to tell Alya and explain everything. Alya knew she was Ladybug already, but not who Chat Noir was. Marinette wasn't sure if it'd be a good idea to let her know that. She'd probably leave it up to Adrien. Either way, she felt nervous about telling her. Moreso about the pregnancy rather than giving up the earrings. Marinette knew Alya was capable of doing a good job, that wasn't the issue. The issue was the embarrassment of letting anyone know she was pregnant. She struggled enough to tell Adrien.

She could probably get away with hiding the pregnancy from most people at school. She would still be in school for the early stages but out of the school the final months.

Her main group of friends would find out eventually, but she trusted them. She was nervous about anyone finding out, but there was no hiding after the baby was born. She felt better knowing that it could wait. It wasn't urgent for her friends to know. She wondered if it was wise to inform the school of her situation, no matter how embarrassing it would be.

Her parents didn't know yet. She had to figure out how to tell them. At times, she felt like a failure, but she knew her parents. They'd always support her, and that gave her a tiny bit of courage.

Gabriel didn't know either. Marinette dreaded telling him the most. He was a terrifying man, capable of ruining her life at the snap of his fingers.

Marinette placed a hand over her small belly.

"Hey, it'll be ok," Adrien spoke, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Marinette turned to him with a soft smile. She had Adrien to help. It honestly didn't feel real at all.

Everything happened so quickly the night before, she thought she had dreamt the whole thing. That was until Adrien showed Sunday morning at the bakery and asked for her. He told her they were going out to breakfast with Alya and Nino. And so, here they were, sitting in a small, somewhat hidden, family owned restaurant. It was rather empty for a Sunday morning.

He told her it was so they could talk to Alya and Nino and to handoff the earrings. Marinette felt sad about giving up the earrings, but Adrien reassured her it was only temporary and she'd be Ladybug again. It was for the best to do it as soon as possible. Akuma appearances were unpredictable, and some could be physically demanding. Marinette shivered at the thought.

"I know, I'm just really nervous," she replied. They both sat on one side of a booth, still waiting for Alya and Nino. Marinette was suprised she was there early for once.

"I know, but we're doing this together," he said, lifting her hand up and giving it a soft kiss. Marinette blushed. For fuck's sake, she had sex with him and she still blushed at a kiss on the hand! It honestly felt unreal. She had sex with him, fully confirmed with the pregnancy, but sometimes it felt like a dream. It all felt disconnected.

They both heard the door chime and turned to see Alya and Nino walk in.

"You're here early for once!" Alya said, sitting down in the booth across Marinette.

"It's thanks to Adrien," she replied.

"Have you guys ordered yet?" Nino asked, sitting down next to his girlfriend.

"No, we were waiting for you guys," Adrien replied.

A waiter approached their table. "Are you guys ready to order some drinks?"

"Yes, can I just get some coffee?" Adrien asked.

"Us too," Alya spoke.

"Me too, but um, do you guys have decaf?" Marinette asked, a bit flushed.

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