The gates to the mansion opened. Adrien and Nathalie stood by the entrance, waiting for her. Adrien smiled, taking her hand and giving her knuckles a soft kiss the moment she walked up to him. Marinette blushed.

Nathalie cleared her throat and the teens turned to look at her.

"Your father is finishing up a meeting, he will call you in when he's ready to see you," she spoke. Adrien nodded, "Thank you, Nathalie."

She gave a single nod, turning and walking away.

"We can just wait outside my father's office door," Adrien spoke, closing the door behind Marinette as she stepped in.

"Oh, o-ok," she replied.

Adrien looked her over, seeing she was wearing a pink puff dress.

"That's a really pretty dress. You didn't have to dress up, though," he chuckled.

Marinette blushed, "I know, but I really like the dress, plus, it's high-waisted."

She placed a hand on her belly. She hadn't grown much, if at all, but her stomach wasn't as toned anymore.

Adrien smiled, "It suits you."


Adrien opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of the office doors opening. The teens turned to see Gabriel standing at the door, his signature icy expression on his face. Marinette tensed immediately.



"Ms. Dupain-Cheng," he turned to her, giving her a respectful head nod.

"M-Mr. Agreste," she stuttered back, her face flushing.

"You two may step into my office."

He turned around, walking into his office and sitting down at his desk.

Adrien held the door open for Marinette and stepped in behind her, closing the door afterward.

"Nathalie told me you have something important to tell me," he spoke, raising a brow.

Adrien stepped up to his father's desk, taking a firm stance.

Marinette stood behind him, too nervous to actually stand next to him and face Gabriel directly. Adrien put his hands behind his back, taking one of Marinette's hands in his. It made her feel better.

"Yes, I do, father," Adrien replied.

Gabriel glanced at Marinette, making her more nervous.

"I assume it has something to do with Ms. Dupain-Cheng?" he asked.

Adrien nodded.

"What is it then?"

Adrien's firm stance faltered. He swallowed nervously, his heart rate increasing.

"Father, Marinette is pregnant."


Gabriel stared at Adrien, rage flashing through his eyes.

"Pregnant?" his eye twitched.

Adrien nodded, trying to hold his stance, but his hands were shaking.

"What the hell were you thinking, Adrien?" Gabriel shouted, slamming his hand on the desk.

Both Adrien and Marinette flinched. She hid more behind Adrien, her eyes watering.

"I-I wasn't," he stuttered. "It was an accident. We didn't mean for it to happen. Father, I'm planning on taking responsibility"

"Responsibility?" he scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Adrien. You're too young and naive to know what you're doing! You don't know what you want in life."

Adrien frowned, "Father, I know I want to be there for my child!"

"You're looking at the world with rose-tinted glasses, Adrien. Do you really think you're ready for the responsibilities of a child? Think of your future!" Gabriel yelled.

"I AM thinking of my future! And my future is next to Marinette, raising our child," Adrien raised his voice.

"Think of what you're saying, Adrien," Gabriel glared. "You sound ridiculous. Some girl opens her legs for you and now you think you're mature?"


Adrien heard Marinette whimper behind him, Gabriel's words no doubt hurting her.

"Do not speak of Marinette like that!"

"You are not raising that child, Adrien! I don't care what that girl does with it, you're not getting involved!" Gabriel shouted.

"It's my child too! You can't stop me!" Adrien argued back.

"Excuse me?" Gabriel paused, his frown deepening.

Adrien hardened his stance.

"I said, You. Can't. Stop. Me."

"Who the hell do you think you are speaking to me that way?" Gabriel stood up.

Adrien glared at his father, "I don't care who I am, I am not backing down."

"I'll disown you!"

"Do it! It's not like you were a real father to me, anyway!" Adrien yelled back.

Gabriel froze, his eyes widening ever so slightly.

"Get out."

When Adrien didn't move immediately, Gabriel picked up a book and threw it across the room.


Marinette ran out, tears rolling down her face.

"Marinette!" Adrien called out. He turned to glare at his father before following after her.

He caught up to her right outside the mansion gates.

"Marinette! Wait, please," he begged, grabbing her and pulling her close to him.

"No! Let me go!" she cried, trying to push him away. "I knew your father wasn't going to approve."

"Don't take it out on me," he pleaded. "Marinette, please."

She broke down. She gripped his shirt and cried into his chest.

Adrien held her close, kissing the top of her head.

He called for his driver, opting to drive around the city with her in his arms. He didn't want to take her home crying. He also didn't want to stay at the mansion. It didn't feel like home.

The drive calmed her down, and she fell asleep 10 minutes in.

"I don't care what my father says; I'm not going anywhere," Adrien muttered, holding her close to his chest.


Sorry but not really <3

It was an AccidentWhere stories live. Discover now