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                             Alex's POV

- Son? Why don't you eat?

       My mum asked me in a worry tone. I am at the dining room with my family and friends. Everyone is eating except me, I am not in the mood to put anything in my mouth. My mind is always on Veronica, I just want to stay with her and make her feel safe, nothing more.

- What's bothering you Alex? My dad asked serious.

   I have to tell them sometime about my mate but now it's not the right time. It's enough that Derek knows her.

- Nothing I am just tired.

- Did you regret killing Mike yesterday?

    My sister asked joining the conversation too. Honestly no, yesterday I was surprised to find Veronica at the forest. I tried my best to not scare her and to make her like our kind but he just appeared out of nowhere. He wanted to kill her, I still remember how he looked at her like she was food. So something snapped inside of me and I didn't hesitate to kill him. It felt so satisfying when I did but unfortunately my mate had to see everything and left.

- No, not at all. He deserved it after all.

    I said and before were heard more questions, I went to my room, I needed space. I had to check up on Veronica after what she survived so I visit her on the restaurant on morning. The moment I saw her, I knew she was traumatized. It wasn't easy for her and it hurts me seeing her like this. I am glad though she kept her mouth shut, she hasn't saying anything about it and I am happy she keeps it a secret, I can trust her. But my heart bleeded when she told me that she has nightmares. It's obvious because of the wolf attack, but I didn't have another solution, Mike would have kill her.

   I sighed. I wanted to go back at the cliff to calm myself down since it's a lovely place but the police might be there. I will just wait for some days and then I will go there again. At the same time, I am gonna stick on the plan. I will approach her as much as possible and go out with her as much I can and when I gain her trust, I will reveal her the truth. I wanna be the one telling her everything, not someone else. I just have to be patient, it will be worth it at the end. I will do everything to have her waking up on my arms every morning.

For now, the only thing I could do is texting her. So I opened my phone and messaged her while laying on my soft bed.

- Hey? Are you free?

      I checked the time, it's 11 the night. I hope she hasn't sleep yet. I have name her on my phone "My Vero" with red hearts. I heard her friends calling her that and it suits her. A smile quickly appeared on my face when she texted me back.

- Yeah and I am actually glad you texted me.

- So how do you feel? Everything okay today?

- Uhm almost. I am an overthinker so if something's bothering  me, I can't stop thinking about it.

- Let me help you then.

- Thank you. Well my dad is a cop and I saw some pictures of the last victim with the bites. You have heard about the situation right?

    Her dad is a cop? Shit, that's not good.

- Yes I have heard it. What's your opinion about it?

- I have an idea, I think I know who is the animal that kills the people.

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