chapter 14.

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i wasn't able to finish before school started again so i couldn't write for a couple days :'( your welcome in advance though for this chapter.

          on top of the destruction that had occurred just moments prior, mirabel had disappeared when the others weren't looking. doing such, she started a search party between the rest of the madrigals. seeing as you were close friends with mirabel, and had gotten closer to the rest of her family, you'd ran home to inform your siblings in mother who intern also helped with the search.

you stuck with camilo, wandering the outer woods which were no longer protected by the magically formed peaks.

"mirabel!" camilo shouted. you'd hear the other madrigals do the same here, and there.

making it to the trunk of a tall tree, you noticed the hill you stood on, looking over more of the forest. it gave you an idea.

"i have an idea," you said, turning to the boy.

"and that is?"

you nodded over to the tree the both of you stood beside, looking to the top.

"get a height advantage?" camilo followed your gaze.

camilo's knuckles began shifting to white as he clenched onto a tree branch, hauling himself up to the same level you were on.

"h—how did you get up here so fast?" he huffed, looking at where his hands were to make sure he didn't end up holding onto a rotten branch.

your gaze shifted from the early evening horizon to the curly haired boy.

"i kinda do this a lot," you chuckled, slightly embarrassed at your little hobby.

camilo met your closed eyes, a few of your hairs getting pushed around by the breezy wind. distracted, his foot slipped, his chin hovered just above the branch he hung off of with your hand grasping the boy's forearm to steady him with wide eyes. you sighed a relieved breath you were holding before giggling a little.

"right, tree girl," he chortled. you rolled your eyes, letting go of his arm when you were sure he wasn't going to slip again.

camilo hauled himself up onto the other side of the thin trunk seeing as you both were very high up in the tree.

you both looked around upon the ground, seeing a couple streams, and more hills, and even the town from afar. but no mirabel..

"you see anything?" you asked hopefully.

"nope, nothing," sighing, you sat still for awhile longer. simply feeling the warm sun fresh against your skin with nothing blocking its rays, and the slightly chilled breeze. it would have been a perfect day if it wasn't for the missing madrigal. who knows where she was, you didn't even know if anyone had found her yet.

"we should head back then.. shouldn't we?" you asked, eyes darting to your 'friend' in question. was it even established that you were friends yet?

"i guess so," he replied, but neither of you moved.

as you looked at him longer, small details of his appearance became more interesting, you couldn't seem to take your eyes off of him. his brown curls were highlighted gold here, and there that shifted by the lighting like a lost city of gold. his tan skin had many tints of pink, and red like the different shades of rosé wine. his eyes, his eyes were crystals shimmering when you held them up to light, colours of browns, and streaks of green protected under a clear coat of resin.

branches ✔︎ c. madrigalWhere stories live. Discover now