chapter 8.

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you looked down the row of madrigals seated at the table. camilo, had invited you to stay for dinner. you didn't know how to decline without being rude so you accepted the invitation. not knowing that night was when 'mariano guzmán' was proposing to the eldest madrigal grandchild. they didn't make you feel unwanted there, though you did think it was awkward

you sat next to mirabel, and her father whom you'd met a time or two before. he was a nice man. though, they both looked a bit jittery.

before you had been whisked away with camilo, mirabel had come to you asking for help with what she called 'saving the miracle'. you assumed it had something to do with her franticness on the night of antonio's ceremony, and agreed to help. you didn't realize it would be as big of a deal as it was until the both of you ran into mirabel's cheeky cousin. and so, you sacrificed yourself to distract him while mirabel fled to proceed with the plan. the two of you hadn't talked since then, so you were curious about what your friend found. you couldn't find time to ask before abuela alma began to talk about how nice it would be for the madrigals, and guzmáns to unite for the sake of encanto.

noticing mirabel's 'staring contest' with dolores across from her, concern began to file in the pit of your stomach. had something happened? did dolores find out about the plan to save the miracle? just as you helped to pass down a bowl of avocado handed to you by your friend, you turned back to see dolores whispering something to her brother. his face turned into mirable, then a shaggy looking man, then back to himself though his eyes were not properly placed. it seemed to become a chain of whispering, and surprised reactions. felix spat out water at the male guzmán, and a cloud began to form over head once he whispered to his wife.

something brushed by your ankles, something hairy, and moist. you tried to hold back a screech as you kicked your feet up onto the chair, attempting to keep them away from whatever was on the floor.

"are you alright [y.n]?" camilo asked from in front of you.

you hummed, "i—i'm fine, i think a rat just brushed my legs," he looked in concern at you, peeking under the table only to see a grey body, and tail scurry from under the cloth. he jumped back.

"antonio," he whispered lowly, getting the attention of the younger, "get your animals under control,"

meanwhile, your eyes darted to the curly haired female, catching her eyes with a look as you wondered what the hell was going on. she looked back at you, concerned, and possibly frightened as she saw something behind you.

before you could follow her gaze, "[y.n] dear," abuela alma said. your eyes widened slightly in quick question, ready for whatever she may say.

"would you please get the veggies? they should be on the kitchen counter," the woman asked. you immediately obliged, getting to the task as to not keep the elder waiting.

exiting the room, and into the kitchen, you found the bowl of mixed veggies atop of the counter—just as abuela alma had said. you grabbed it, making your way back to the table.

you felt your flats dampen as you stepped into the room. a puddle was spreading. it's source, was a thundering rain cloud. toucans flew around the room, knocking over pots, and antique plates that were put on display. setting the bowl of veggies onto a table to the side, you stepped further into the dining room only to hear dolores start spilling.

"mirabel found bruno's vision. she's in in it, the magic is gonna be destroyed, and now we're all doomed!"

a wide, glowing glass tile on a tray slid across the entire length of the table. coincidentally, it stopped right in front of abuela alma. she looked at the image displayed with wide eyes just as everyone else in the room looked at her the same, only to all shift over to mirabel a second later. cracks formed on the walls, camilo's head turned into one of an infant's, uncontrollable wind aroused, and dolores covered her sensitive ears from the noise. it was all chaos. to top it off, the doors to the outside connecting to the dining room slammed open, revealing half the town.

"felicidades!" they shouted in glee.

the guzmán's fled from casita, abuela alma on their tails trying to console the two of them. mirabel was wandering after her grandmother, attempting to explain the situation.

you stood awkwardly next to camilo as he shifted his head back to normal, patting his shoulder lightly with solace. he smiled at you, apology yet thanks glinting in his eyes.

along with everyone else, you, and camilo left the dining room. passing mirabel, you noticed her attention elsewhere. your eyes wandered after her as she followed what looked like scurrying rats. camilo split from you with a goodbye, running after his mother to help calm her from the current stage she was in. though, you didn't leave out the front door like the guzmáns, instead, you left to where mirabel disappeared to.

up the secondary stair case.

don't mind me not updating for an entire two days- gosh i really need to get this done before school starts again..

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