"I'm your enemy, not him, not them!" Stefan said, pointing to Alexander and John.

"He killed my brother, didn't he?" Russell asked, pointing to Alexander.

"Yes I did. You should've seen his face- He literally begged me to let him live but I shot him right between the legs." Alexander added fuel to the fire.

Russell got furious but calmed himself down, "I'll kill your own family in front of you and you won't be able to do anything."

"I highly doubt that." Alexander spoke but he didn't know what was awaiting for him.

Russell glanced at the two men standing and then at Stefan, signalling them to hold him in place which they did.

"Where are your men?" Russell asked Alexander who didn't answer him. His men were everywhere and they were waiting for the right time, they won't come unless Alexander signal them.

Russell has no idea with who he was dealing with, clearly.

"His men aren't here, they're away." Stefan responded.

"Very well." Russell smirked in satisfaction, believing Stefan's lie.

Out of nowhere a gunshot was heard and Stefan fell on the ground, dead.

"Dad!!" John shouted as he watched his father's lifeless body lying on the ground, in a pool of blood.

Alexander felt numb. His grandfather, the man who always stood by him, the man who always supported him, in every single thing, was now dead.

'Alexander, no matter what happens, I'll always be with you. Dead or alive, I'm always here for you. Never forget that.' His words rang into his head as he stared at his grandfather's body.

He was shot, in the head. Alexander's eyes moved from his grandfather's body to the man who shot him.

He was shocked to see another Russell standing there. There were two. He have a twin.

The Russell who shot his grandfather said, "I'm Russell, the one and only, the original. This is my twin, Rafael."

"Surprised?" Rafael asked, with a smirk.

Alexander's men were about to enter the scene but Alexander shook his head discretely at them, telling them, to wait.

He already lost his grandfather and he knew that his dad was next.

"How come we never heard of you?" Alexander asked Rafael who sighed, "Well, I didn't know that I had a twin until I met Russell, three years ago."

"He was on the street, begging people to give him food when I saw him. I was stunned to see someone looking exactly like me. I proposed him to work for me which he did as no one would like to be homeless. I trained him- and planned everything and here we are, today." Russell said proudly.

"Now let's get to your father. How should we kill him? Shoot him in between the legs like you did to my brother?!" Russell asked as he loaded his gun.

Alexander glanced at his men and they got the signal. It was time to intervene. As soon as they did, in no time, all of of Russell's men were dead.

Russell as well as Rafael was in pure shock. "You bastard! I thought you said that it was clear!" Russell shouted at Rafael.

"But he told me that it was!" Rafael said with confusion.

Alexander shot Rafael dead within the next second. Before Russell could react, he received a bullet in the legs which made him fall on the ground in pain.

"Your fate…will be worse than death."Alexander swore and his men dragged Russell away to his base.

"Dad-" John fell on his knees next to his father's dead body.

"I'm sorry." Alexander apologized to his father, he was feeling guilty. He blamed himself for his death.

"It's not your fault." John said and squeezed his eyes shut. "I'm sorry- for everything. I haven't been a good father to you. My dad did better, I know how you much you loved and admired him."

Alexander placed a hand on his father's shoulder, "Everything will be alright. Go to the island and inform everyone about this. Will you?"

John wiped his tears and nodded as he stood up and walked away with some of Alexander's men. He went on the yacht and left for the island.

"Prepare for the funeral. Inform everyone about their previous boss's death." Alexander ordered his men who nodded while he left for the base.

Russell was sure going to get a hard time. Alexander wasn't planning on killing him anytime soon. That man was going to be living hell on earth. His screams would be music to Alexander's ears.

Alexander BlackWhere stories live. Discover now