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"I'm going back home." Aria replied.

"No you are not." Alexander clenched his jaw, "Didn't I make myself clear when I said that you'll be staying here?"

"No you didn't." Aria rolled her eyes, "I don't want people to talk shit about me behind my back because I'm staying with you. It's ridiculous."

"I'm dealing with it." Alexander said, "If you go back to your house, you'll end up dead within seconds. Go back to your room."

Aria sighed, "Fine dad." Alexander rolled his eyes at her words but said nothing. He watched as she walk away back to her room with her luggage.

Caroline was staring at Alexander, as if deep in thoughts. He looked at her and raised his brows questioningly, "What?"

"I don't know if-- I'm right or not but-- I think that Aria is the girl my son used to date--" Caroline sighed.

"What?" Alexander asked, with a blank face.

'That's not possible.' he thought.

"I mean her last name is Parker and she's exactly like my son used to describe her. I know what you must be thinking- what kind of mother never saw her son's girlfriend? well, that's because I didn't know, my son hid it from me but when he told me, He described her."

Before Alexander could say anything, his phone rang. It was Brent.

"Boss. I did what you asked me to." Brent spoke immediately. He never was one to beat around the bush.

"What'd you find?"Alexander was impatient.

"And we found out that these photos were edited. They're fake." Brent said to which Alexander replied, "I already knew that. What else?"

"and we also found out that it was Rosalyn who sent them." Brent responded.

"Do I know her?" He asked, furrowing his brows. He couldn't remember if he knew anyone by that name.

Brent cleared his throat, "Yes. Her full name is Rosalyn Hawkins."

On hearing Rosalyn's name, he clenched his jaw, "Are you sure about this?"

"Positive, boss." Brent replied and Alexander immediately disconnected the call.

"What happened?" Caroline asked, with concern.

"Those photos were sent by Rosalyn Hawkins." He replied, running a band through his hairs, "I'm gonna kill that bitch."

Back in her room, Aria was sitting on her bed, her eyes fixed on the ground. She wasn't crying, even if she wanted, she couldn't. She was low on tears.

Alexander stood in front of the closed door of her room. After much hesitation, he finally knocked on her door, in his own house. He was finding it weird for himself to knock

"Not now, Caroline. I need some time alone please." Aria thought it was Caroline. Well of course she would. Why would she think that Alexander wanted to speak to her?

"I'm not Caroline." Alexander's cold voice replied. Aria heard it very well but she didn't say anything. She stayed quiet.

"Open the door or I will.",Alexander spoke seriously. Still, she kept quiet.
"I said, open the damn door!" This time, his tone was louder.

Alexander lost his patience. He kicked the Locked door open. "What the hell is your problem? Couldn't you open the door?"

She stayed quiet again. She was still staring at the floor. Alexander moved to her and sat next to her on the bed but she remained still.

There was complete silence between the two until Alexander spoke, "Look, I know you don't want to be here but you have to understand that it's for your own safety."

"I understand." She mumbled, "I just don't like to be kept as a prisoner."

He frowned, "I'm not keeping you as a prisoner."

"But I'm feeling like it." She responded.

Alexander BlackWhere stories live. Discover now