In Time

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They reached the hospital and Aria gestured for one of the nurses to come. They came and carried Alexander and David inside using a stretcher.

"Is that—" one of the nurse asked the nurse who was pushing the stretcher. "Alexander Black." the nurse,pushing the stretcher replied.

The other nurse took David in a ward while the other took Alexander in another ward.

Once the nurse was inside the ward with Alexander, all doctors rushed to him and began attending him without wasting a second.

"He has been shot!" the doctor exclaimed and then They quickly took him to the operation theater.

Alexander was losing a lot of blood from the gun shot. Aria was leaning outside, against the wall,waiting for the doctors.

The driver was nervous and scared. After two minutes, the door of the room where David was flew open and a nurse came out saying, "He is fine,just unconscious. We have already treated his head wound,he'll wake up soon."

"Okay thank you." The driver said gratefully.

Few minutes later, the doctor came out of the operation theater and walked to Aria, "He's out of danger. Luckily, the bullet did not hit any vital organs."

Aria released a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Thank you."

"It is all thank to you that we managed to save him. You brought him in time.",the doctor said and smiled lightly at Aria.

"What the hell happened to my son??" A woman asked, making both Aria and the doctor look at her. The driver turned to her and answered, "Mr Black was attacked on the parking loft...but he's alright now."

The woman was accompanied by three men, an old man and a woman. Rosalyn was also there,shedding crocodile tears.

"What do you mean, he was attacked?" Alexander's mother asked making Aria frowned, "He was attacked. A.T.T.A.C.K.E.D. You don't know what that means?"

"And who are you?" Alexander's mother asked, looking at Aria from top to bottom.

"Doctor...I'm John Black, Alexander's father. Thank you for your help." John spoke,smiling gratefully at the doctor who nodded, "It is my job and like I said earlier to this young woman, It's thanks to her that I managed to save him. If she hadn't bought him in time...then.." the doctor trailed off.

The woman's name was Bella, Alexander's mother. John was his father and the other two men were his first brother, Kenzo and his younger brother, Mike. Kenzo was thirty two, his wife's name was Anna and she's twenty eight while Mike was nineteen. The old man was Alexander's grandfather, he is eighty two years old and his name was Stefan. His mother was fifty eight and his father was sixty .

"Thank you for saving my son's life." John said to Aria who nodded her head in response.

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