She's the queen

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"Seriously?" John raised an eyebrow. Alexander clenched his fist in anger, "Stop being so dramatic for fuck's sake!"

"So you told a girl who you barely know about your life secret and you can't tell your own father..great..just great!" John rolled his eyes,

"Dad, I think that you should stop it." Kenzo intervened. John shifted his eyes from Alexander to him,"You think? Don't tell me that you know about it too.."

"I don't dad. I'm sure that there's a good reason why Alex isn't telling us..stop being so stubborn and drop it..please." Kenzo sighed in the end.

"Forget about it, John. Trust him when he's saying that it's not safe, it means it isn't." Bella spoke and rested her hand on John's shoulders.

John sighed,"I'm not gonna drop it. I can't trust him."

"Then don't! You may go fuck yourself!" Alexander lost it. He angrily stood up, grabbed Aria's hand and made her stood up with him, "We're leaving." He told her and was about to walk away with her when Stefan stopped him, "Alexander, wait."

He stopped right on his tracks and both him and Aria turned around to face Stefan who appeared still calm in front of them but only Alexander knew how he was really feeling.

"Alexander…" Stefan sighed, "I didn't want any of this to happen. I really am sorry, forgive me." Stefan said in regret, his head hung low.

Everyone except Alexander was shocked. Stefan never really apologized for anything but that day, he apologized to his grandson. Stefan never said sorry to anyone including his own son, John but he was apologizing to his grandson.

"It's not your fault. You had nothing to do it in." Alexander replied. Stefan shook his head and sighed softly, "I have everything to do with it. It's all my fault. I started this whole mess and landed you in it. I never wanted my own son and grandson to land into a dispute because of me. I agree that it's not the first time but today, John,you made me very disappointed in you,son."

"Dad I--",John was cut off by Stefan,"That's enough. You wanted to hear the truth right? We'll tell you. Alexander, go ahead. Reveal the truth to your family. But listen to me very well,if any of you discloses this to anyone, you will be killed no matter who you are." His tone was serious making everyone's heart starting to beat faster. It was that dangerous.

"Are you sure about this? Because there's no going back once I tell them." Alexander eyed him cautiously.

Stefan nodded, "I'm sure about it. It's high time they know. I don't want my family to fight in the future because of this."

"Go ahead. We're waiting." John gave an annoyed face. Little did he know that what he was about to hear was beyond his thinking.

After taking a deep breath, Alexander spoke, "I'm the leader of the American Mafia. Since it's the most powerful one, I'm known as the Mafia king, King I'd the underworld, emperor, whatever you prefer. I lead them, I call the shots there and grandfather was the previous, He gave me his place. In short, I took over."

He stopped and glanced at everyone who had a shocked look on their face before continuing,"And yes, whoever discloses this to anyone else, will be killed along with the person that they revealed this to."

"So I'll be killed too?" Aria asked in disbelief. Alexander gave her a smile before shaking his head,"No love. If I'm the king then you're my queen. And I will never hurt you,no matter what. So rest assured."

"That's right, Aria. You're the queen in there." Stefan said in agreement. "Every king needs a queen, don't you think?"

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