"Then why haven't you said anything? I always wonder why you never express anything other than a concern for others or happiness. You always have this mask on of being a hundred percent ok all the time," he said and I couldn't hold it in. I hid my face in my knees as tears streamed down it.

"I know I'm not the center of the universe. That's a Fire Nation attribute I thankfully never picked up. How can I wish for my old life when it was filled with ignorance? After seeing the world and how it's been affected by the Fire Nation and the war, I just can't bring myself to prioritize my Fire Nation problems over those of the whole world," I said quietly in between sobs. I felt arms encircle me and I instinctively leaned into them. Sokka's hugging me...

"Y/n, your problems aren't Fire Nation problems. You aren't the Fire Nation, and you were a little kid when everything was going on. You were a little kid who lost her mother and father and grew up alone, not knowing where she belonged. You're allowed to feel and address these things that bother you. You care too much and work too hard for everyone around you to not be entitled to that," he told me.

But can all the good I've tried to do cover the bad that has been done?

I leaned away from him and looked him in his blue eyes. I don't know what I was looking for: a facial twitch that told me he was lying or clouded eyes that revealed he was being disingenuous. But all I saw was sincerity. I don't know why I thought otherwise, he's always sincere. I like that about him.

"Sokka," I whispered and I felt the space between us get smaller. I think...

"Guys look out!" Aang yelled and Sokka and I jumped apart as an explosion destroyed the place where we just were.

What the flameo is happening?

Zuko POV

I walked to our old house on Ember Island, remembering all the better memories I had. Y/n used to always beat me when Lu Ten judged our sand castles.

I came across a painting of my family. My father looked as stern as ever, and my mother looked like the most gentle soul. I found the clay hand print that she had made with me when I was a baby, and I sat with it, overthinking yet not thinking at all.

"I thought I'd find you here," Azula said, shocking me out of my reverie.

"Those summers we spent here seem so long ago. So much has changed," I said, but I wasn't really talking to her.

"Come down to the beach with me. Come on this place is depressing," she said and I got up and followed her. Mai and Ty Lee where there already, and I set up a fire to make us more comfortable. I made it with things from the beach house.

Plenty of things that need to be burnt...


We were all hiding behind a rock as our assailant kept shooting fiery explosions at us with nothing but his mind.

"This is crazy! How can we beat a guy who blows things up with his mind?" Sokka yelled. Aang crawled out from our hiding spot.

"We can. Jump on Appa. I'll try to distract him," he instructed and we all followed. Sokka took Appa's reigns and I helped Toph into the saddle. Katara set up a mist screen to hide us as we flew away.

We followed Aang in the air and when he was launched into the air by an explosion, we were able to catch him in the saddle.

"Well, that was random," Toph said, titling her head down over the saddle at the ground. I shook my head, the adrenaline wearing off

"I doubt it. That guy probably knows who we are," I said. Sokka spoke up from the driver's seat.

"Well, all we can do know is put some distance between us, and hope he doesn't find us again."

Zuko POV

I had called Ty Lee a circus freak and that opened up the flood gates for the life story sharing. Ty Lee explained her identity crisis, Mai explained why she was so unfeeling and quiet, and I learned the true reason I was so angry.

"I'm angry at myself!!" I yelled.

"Why?" Azula asked me.

"Because I'm confused. Because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore," I confessed and I knew that at least what I was saying was true.

Uncle told me I had come to a crossroads in Ba Sing Se. Did I make the wrong choice? Y/n told me to follow my heart. Did I truly do that?

If I had gone with Uncle, helped Y/n and the Avatar take down my sister and then my father, would I have been any happier?

Is it too late to go back to the crossroads, and choose a different path?


We finally landed after what felt like hours. Everyone hopped off of Appa and started setting up the bare minimum to go to sleep. I did the same, feeling physically and emotionally drained. Before I could go off to find a soft spot on the ground, someone grabbed my hand. I turned and saw that it was Sokka.

"Y/n, I meant what I said earlier. I get if you don't wanna jump head first into the deep stuff, but you should know that you always have the right to. And I'll always be around if you want a jumping partner," he said, his face serious but again, sincere. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Sokka. I'm really lucky to have you in my life," I told him, matching his sincerity. His face cracked into a smile and then we went to find our bed spots and go to sleep.

A few days later...

Sokka POV

Team Avatar traveled to Roku's island, as Aang had received a message to report there for a history lesson. At first we thought it was vacant, but Toph informed us that there was an entire city, buried underneath the ground. I looked around and noticed the mountain peak, realizing what must've happened. A volcano wiped them all out...

We moved towards a cliff and Aang set up there. Katara, Y/n, Toph and I stood around waiting while Aang meditated and somehow communed with Avatar Roku.

The whole day passed before Aang opened his eyes. He explained everything he had seen and waited for the inevitable questions.

"You mean, after all Roku and Sozin went through together, even after Roku showed him mercy, Sozin betrayed him like that?" Katara asked and Aang nodded.

"It's like these people are born bad," Toph said and I noticed Y/n bite her lip nervously.

"No, that's wrong. I don't think that was the point of what Roku showed me at all," Aang said.

"Then what was the point?" I asked, still not completely getting it.

"Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. We even have a live example of that," Aang said gesturing to Y/n. She noticed all of us looking at her and looked away embarrassed.

"So the lesson was?" She asked, prompting Aang to continue so she didn't have to be the center of attention anymore.

"Everyone, even the Fire Lord and Fire Nation, have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance. And I also think it was about friendships," Aang said confidently. Toph spoke up softly.

"Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?" She asked. Aang smiled and grabbed her hand.

"I don't see why not," he replied. Toph took Katara's hand and Katara took Y/n's. They all looked at me.

"Well, scientifically speaking, there's no way to prove that-" I was cut off by Katara.

"Oh Sokka, just hold hands," she commanded. I grabbed Y/n's hand gently, smirking at her discreetly. She gasped and then smiled.

We all watched the sunset together while holding hands, beginning to believe that friendship would be the real secret weapon to put an end to this war.

To be continued...


Thanks for reading 💙💙

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