Chapter 25 - Counter Attack

Start from the beginning

"Be careful, you never know who is lying." I looked back and she was looked directly at me. Looking ahead I could see that Endre didn't hear her. Looking back once more I gave her a small nod.


So that's what the lady meant. For the longest time I didn't even know what she meant by that and it never left my mind. How did she know about Endre though? I mean did she even know? Or was she just trying to warn me to be careful? UGH my head hurt from both the physical pain and the words of the lady. I wish she had told me more... Maybe she could have said something about how to beat Endre. But as I thought about the situation I couldn't think about anything that Einar or the lady said that would play to our advantages.

Take out the leader. Of course! We just had to get to Endre and stop him before he blew all of Asgard up. Even though Endre had faked being my friend for most of the journey and had used me to get information about the Avengers, I could tell he wasn't faking being physically inactive. He really wasn't fit at all which gave me an idea that he may be somewhat easy to beat. The hard part though was getting to him. If only there was some distraction....

As if my prayers had been answered, the door to the castle slammed opened. I recognized Thor and beside him was a man around the same height but lean with black hair.

"Sorry I'm late, I heard there was an intruder in my house." Thor's voice rang through the hallway. Endre rolled his eyes.

"Grab them!" The soldiers ran towards Thor and the other person but they successfully managed to hold them at bay.

While they were engaged in fighting I was trying to figure out my handcuff situation because if I could just get them off maybe I have a chance at going for Endre. I focused on the lock. It seemed flimsy but then again it was metal. I balled my hands into fists and willed the metal to break in a desperate attempt to free myself. I was more than surprised when this method actually worked. The handcuffs fell off easy. Lyric, who had been guarding me, had gone to fight in the crowd along with all of the other soldiers. I quietly moved over to Julienne considering she was closest and placed my hands on her handcuffs. I silently willed them to be gone and surprisingly they were. I was in awe. Sneaking around the back of the room, behind Endre's back, I reached the Avengers. I undid all of their handcuffs but unfortunately someone saw me.

"OI! THE PRISONERS!" But by this point all of the chained people were up and ready to fight. Julienne readied her magic while Natasha pulled out guns that she had kept within her combat boots. Doctor Strange started slicing the Phalanax members with his gold superpower and as for me I started going straight for Endre who was still trying to work the spell. I crept up behind him and punched his head as hard as I could. He was set off balance and he cursed as I knocked his legs out from under him. I started punching his face. Maybe I was too irrational and mean, but I was so mad. I had actually trusted this man and he had thrown it back in my face in front of the whole room.

I was mid punch when I heard a roar. The Hulk. A giant green man ran into the room and started throwing the Phalanax members against various walls. At this point in my fight with Endre he somehow had found a way to overpower me. We had reversed positions and it was him throwing the punches now. I tried to protect my face but he hit my face even with my wrists trying to block his punches. I screamed in frustration and pushed on his chest as hard as I could.

A purple light erupted from my hands and Endre shot up to the ceiling. I gasped and looked at my hands. Is this what I was capable of. I willed the feeling to come back and when Endre collapsed on the floor I threw purple magic at him. I did this over and over again until he was backed up against the wall. He screamed and I stopped.

"FINISH HIM Y/N." Someone yelled. I couldn't tell why but I was hesitating at this point. I didn't want to kill anyone. Yes I was often made fun of from a young age and I would imagine killing people to get back at them but now that I was in the position I really didn't think I wanted to. The purple magic grew in my hands and I used all my force to push Endre back into the wall. I didn't want to kill him, but I was ok with greatly injuring him as horrible as that sounds. Endre collapsed unconscious on the floor. I also collapsed onto the floor. That fighting had taken a lot out of me.

"Boss?" One of the hooded members asked. The fighting ceased in the room and suddenly it was quiet. "What do we do now?" another figure asked.

"Give up." Thor's voice boomed across the room. "You wouldn't want us to kill you now would you?" The hooded figures looked to each other. "Now, those of you who don't leave right now. Prepare to get murdered." Thor started swinging his ax and just like that the room was empty. There was only one person remaining.

Lyric.. and it looked like he was still in a trance. Tony ran straight towards his soon and gave him a hug. Lyric however just gazed right through Tony.

"It's probably a spell that he is still under. I'm sure I can figure out something." Stephen Strange mentioned to Tony.

"Y/N!" Natasha ran towards me. "Are you alright?" I looked up at her and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm just tired." I took a few deep breaths and passed out.

A/N: So I feel like this was a bit anticlimactic but I really wanted to get some kind of fight scene in. I also feel like at this point I am really just trying to finish up the story. Thanks again for reading <3

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