Chapter 50 - Maeve

Start from the beginning

Maeve went into the bathroom and let them bicker. After she washed her hands, she gazed in the mirror and wondered what kind of future she had. Was this her life now? Trapped with two violent and turbulent people? From outside Ander seemed calm and quiet, but she knew it was only part of who he was. He dismembered creatures, she'd seen him covered in blood in her visions numerous times. He might not have outbursts like Will all the time, but he was just as dangerous, if not more so, because people didn't expect it. She leaned against the counter. And Will was a walking time-bomb. No warning when he would explode or how bad the fall out would be, but it was certain he would blow up. Maeve fought back tears and racked her brain again for why demons wanted to kill her.

Will told her she'd probably encountered a demon group and hadn't realized it. Maybe they'd sensed her power and that put things into motion. It made sense, but it didn't seem right. The angel recognized her, but she nor her family were overly religious. She only knew the basics and historical information about events that'd occurred. Why couldn't reality be like a book? Where angels who recognized you was good? Because they were good and wanted to protect you? It didn't matter. For now, this was her life. It'd just been six long days. She could handle it, at least for a few more nights. With a deep breath, she left the bathroom.

Ander was on his laptop. He paused long enough to acknowledge her and then typed again. Will sat on his bed and drank, of course. Maeve was grateful it wasn't his night. She sat across on Ander's bed, and was mildly surprised Will hadn't broken something while she was in the bathroom. Will rummaged in his pocket and pulled out one of his black cigarettes.

"I need to smoke." he stood and motioned for her to follow him.

Maeve stood slowly and glanced at Ander on the way. Will opened the door and gestured for her to go first. Tentative she walked outside into the humid night air.

Will lit his cigarette and inhaled. "Sorry for being an asshole earlier," he said without looking at her.

"Ok," she replied cautiously.

"That guy,"

"Ron, that guy's name was Ron," she corrected him.

"Ron was a douche. He only wanted in your pants."

"Yeah, that's why he talked to me. He's a demolition guy. He takes down rundown buildings for the state,"

He slid his narrowed eyes at her. "What?"

Maeve sigh. "I asked him about the buildings around here that are slated to be torn down. He gave me several places. Mentioned, he was only in town for a couple of weeks blah blah blah, typical set up. Offered to show me one of the creepy old buildings, since it seemed I was into that stuff. You were angry because you just didn't like Ron?"

"Yeah. No," His words slurred together.


Will didn't make any sense. Perhaps he was too drunk.

"No. Fuck Ron. He smelled like alcohol, aftershave and sex." he tossed his cigarette to the ground and stomped on it.

"What?" What in the hell did that mean?

"He wanted you," his voice now guttural.

"Why does that matter? I'm confused,"

Will grabbed her arms and pulled her against him, and rubbed his cheek in her hair. He took a deep breath. Was he smelling her hair?

"Like a fall night," he whispered.

Maeve stood still and considered the amount he'd drank and how upset he'd been only minutes ago. She stayed calm and didn't move. After a heartbeat, the tension left his body. Instead of being locked in his arms, she was now held.

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