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"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned

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"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

Madripoor, Indonesia
January, 2013

YELENA BLEW INTO HER STRAW, forming bubbles in her Caprisun, which popped as she grinned to herself. Lucy took a long sip of hers, glancing at Henry who had a tray of brownies in his lap, still warm from upstairs. He'd gone around distributing all of the brownies—vegan, since Agent Murphy had made them—to the other patients, before returning to join the pair.

Yelena had ditched her hospital outfit half an hour after Henry's departure. Lucy had let her, even though she knew the Widow was preparing to kill Henry once she finished changing.

But Henry had waltzed back in, shaking his phone at Yelena as Dreykov spoke through the speakers. Lucy had straightened at the voice, remembering the way he'd called her a perfect Black Widow, claiming that if HYDRA would just let him take her—

After Henry had hung up, Yelena just plopped back down onto the hospital bed, bringing the blanket around her legs, and asking Lucy for a Caprisun.

Well, she asked for alcohol first—some fancy wine—but Henry had vehemently stated alcohol was off limits in the patient room. Lucy had a feeling he might've drank too much while working once. She shuddered at the thought of a very drunk, very angry Henry.

So Lucy had created the juice in its original package and had handed it to Yelena. She'd been ecstatic and they'd spent the next fifteen minutes making mundane items.

"Please stop that." Henry groaned with annoyance.

Lucy raised an eyebrow at him.

"Progress." She said cheerfully. "You're not trying to beat anyone."

Henry glanced at Lucy as Yelena continued to blow more bubbles, inhaling with extra theatrics before exhaling. She eyed Henry with a smirk playing at her enclosed lips.

His eyes narrowed onto Yelena when he felt her stare. He glared at her, biting on a brownie and chewing as if it would ease his anger. It did, slightly, the chocolate quelling any terrible feelings. Lucy released a soft sigh at the childishness of his actions. Yelena rolled her eyes and drank her Caprisun like a normal person.

She looked at her.

"Your abilities are really cool." Yelena piped up. "Where'd you get them? Were you born with them? Are your parents, like, gods?"

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