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"It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember

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"It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember."

Madripoor, Indonesia
January, 2013

VERFALL'S HAND REMAINED WRAPPED AROUND Yelena's warm palm. The stuffed bear was pressed between her arm and side. Her breathing was still soft, shallow. Dr. Schaffer had left to check on his other patients, and she could hear him speaking to one of them plainly, sounding rather blunt. She kept her focus on Yelena. The little girl had grown. She wasn't very little anymore, and her hair was a little longer than she remembered. She was bigger. Stronger.

Her grip on her tightened slightly, just enough for her to feel the soft pulse of her wrist. She rubbed the back of her hand gently, as if Yelena could feel her.

She wished she could. But Dr. Schaffer was still hesitant on waking her up. Verfall understood. Yelena had been dangerous as a child. She was far more dangerous now. And she knew Yelena wouldn't wake up compliant like she had at SHIELD. They'd been trained differently.

And the Red Room knew how to control their Widows far better than HYDRA knew how to control their Weapons.

She heard the curtain drawing close, then Dr. Schaffer's footsteps as he re-entered the enclosed space. Verfall looked up before quickly ducking her head, refusing to let go of Yelena's hand. He lowered himself onto the stool he'd been sitting in before.

"The Soldier was with you, wasn't he? In the Red Room." He questioned.

Verfall nodded her head.

"If he sees her, will he remember her?" He asked firmly.

Verfall fiddled with Yelena's fingers, uncertainty flickering between her eyes. That would be a bad thing, wouldn't it? If Winter remembered then he'd have to be wiped. But he was going to be wiped anyway. So would it be okay if he did? Or would he just be confused.

Or. . .or was he James now that the afternoon had passed?

"I–I don't know, Herr." She mumbled.

Dr. Schaffer clasped his hands together, eyeing her expression carefully.

"You're not in trouble." He started carefully. "And the Soldier isn't either. I merely want to make sure the Soldier won't try to find his students if he recognizes her."

That. . .that sounded a lot like something Winter would do. He was erratic if he didn't remember the right memories first. He needed to know who he was before saving someone else. But Natasha was already safe. And now. . .Yelena was?

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