Chapter One

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(Leo POV)

I have been in Aiden Mcgrath's head never saying anything to him more in the background I have also been in his dreams. I'm here to protect him and look out for him since he has no one. In a couple of days, I'm supposed to meet him because he will turn 19.

Well, I'm Leo Pemstein I'm the leader of the Warlocks and witches. My family tragically died. I hear someone knock on the door it's Riggs my best friend and second in command.

"Hey, just wanted to see how you are"

He says as he pops his head in

"Your good you can come in"

I say he walks in and flops on my bed

"Make yourself at home"

I tease he laughs

"What can I say we have been with each other a lot me casa your casa"

He says I laugh

"I'm ok"

I say he nods

"How is Aiden?"

He asks I sigh

"He is struggling but his art is helping"

I say he nods

"I guess I just feel bad that I can't help him right now. I'm just staying back I mean he has tried to kill himself and I saved him. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm not sure I'm fit enough to do this be an elder and be the leader"

I say he sighs he hugs me I never let myself be weak in front of others besides Riggs.

"You know very well you are meant to do this; everyone looks up to you, I look up to you. I mean you're so kind and try to help the other ones even if they are on your last nerve. But you also show them that you don't put up with this shit"

He says I nod as we pull away from each other. I feel something off I look at Riggs

"Something is not right Aiden's thoughts are racing and some of the members are doing something."

It's the morning

"And I just wanted to finish my coffee in peace"

I say he laughs

"I know right"

I grab him

"let's go"

I teleport us there. I see them holding Aiden.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing"

I say Riggs looks at me knowing what I'm thinking he grabs them

"Well, he saw us do magic, so we need to get rid of him"

One of the members say I walk closer to him

"First let fucking go of him, and second why the fuck did you use magic that you know you don't know enough of them and use them out of the leader home with the barrier"

I say crossing my arms

"But he is mortal he will talk about us. It's just easier to kill him"

Another one says I walk closer to him.

"Back the fuck down or I will make you"

I say he raises an eyebrow I hear his thoughts 'who the fuck does he think he is he thinks.

"He is not a mortal"

I say walking closer to Aiden I grab his arms and use my magic to show a mark that is my mark

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