Morning of Madness

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It was morning and the Madrigals began to wake up. Dolores was the first awake. The other began to slowly trickle out of their rooms. Camilo came out with bag under his eyes and looking a wreck. "Oh wow Camilo. What happened?" Luisa asked. "I kept waking up and having to run to the bathroom to puke. It was horrible, but I think it's done now." Camilo complained. "I could hear it all night" Dolores squeaked. Camilo mouths the word sorry to her. "I'll cook breakfast" Julieta offers. "I don't think that's a good idea. Not after last time. I can try cooking." Dolores suggested. She went to the kitchen and started cooking. "Where's Agustin?" Pepa asked. "I thought for up before me" Julieta said confused. "Great now my daughter and husband are missing!" Julieta began to freak out. "Do you mean daughters?"  Luisa asked. "Where is Isabela!!" Julieta cried. She collapsed onto the floor. Pepa and Bruno started comforting her. "Has anyone seen squiggles?" Antonio asked. "Who's squiggles" Camilo asked. "He's one of my snakes. I can't find him. I woke up and he was gone." Antonio worried. Everyone began calling for squiggles. A loud bang could be heard from the kitchen. Everyone rushed to see what the commotion was. They were surprised to find a disastrous kitchen with Dolores covered in flour. "Turns out I can't cook" she stated the obvious. "Let's just find something in town," Felix suggested, "I'll go get it you all just wait here." "Luisa, take Antonio to look for his snake. And try to spot you sister and papa on the way." Julieta demanded. They went into town. Soon, Antonio was being swarmed by townschildren "what's happening? Where are you going? Where's Mirabel? Is the magic ok? Are you ok?" They we're all asking. "We're kinda busy so maybe you guys can talk another time" Luisa said. Felix was finished getting the food and came back to the house. Camilo and Dolores had set the table and they were ready to eat. "Not as good as tia's but still good" Camilo said. Bruno began to scratch his wrist. He looked and the the skin was red there. He had a rash and it began to climb up his arm.

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