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It was going to be the perfect night. Dolores and Mariano were finally getting married. It was a stressful night and Pepa was starting to make a breeze. Meanwhile, Camilo was watching Antonio. "Someday I'm gonna get married to the most beautiful woman," Antonio bragged. "Sure you are buddy," Camilo said. Camilo shapeshifted into Cecelia and made kissy lips. "Hey!" Antonio scolded. He didn't want anyone to know about his crush. Luisa and Isabela were getting their bridesmaid dresses on with Dolores and Pepa. "Where's Mirabel! She needs to get her dresses on!" Dolores panicked. Isabela went to look for her. She found her trying to carry all the chairs to the right places. "Maybe you should leave that to Luisa. You should come get your dress on and then you can help with... setting up confetti canons." Isabela said as she started walking back to the girls expecting Mirabel to follow. Instead Mirabel went to the kitchen where she found her mother adding finishing touches to Dolores' wedding cake. "This will make everyone feel amazing! Why don't you have your dress on?" Julieta asked. Mirabel implied she would get it on later. Mirabel went to find something helpful to do. She started doing things when she was met with Abuela. "Maybe you should just step aside and get your dress on. Tonight needs to be perfect and we cannot have you messing everything up for Dolores. You should go support her before ruining everything" Abuela insisted and promptly walked away.

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