What if Astrid's parents were home?

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HTTYD ONESHOTS including Nine Realms.
Starting this story off dramatically.

What if Astrid's parents were home? What if they were late to the Yak races on the day that Dagur attacked Berk?

Set during Team Astrid

Requests are welcome x


"Son, I'm glad you're here!" Stoick called to his son as he and the other riders flew towards Berk, which had certainly seen better days.

"Who did this?" Hiccup asked with a sense of anger in his voice. "Dagur?"

"It was a hit and run attack." The chief explained. "Catapults and volleys of fire arrows. Hit a few buildings in town." He mentioned. "Astrid, one of them was your parent's house." Astrid just gasped. "You should probably head over to-"

The chief didn't have time to finish his sentence as the blonde darted past him and straight to the island below. Stormfly landed and within seconds Astrid dismounted her dragon and raced to her house, or where her house once stood, but now only contained a pile of rubble and debris.


Hiccup just finished shooing Not so silent Sven out of the arena when he heard the unmistakable squawk of a Deadly Nadder coming from above. Stormfly landed and Astrid slid off her dragon with a solemn look on her face and her gaze locked onto an old scorch mark on the ground.

"Astrid!" Hiccup called. "How's your family?" He checked, slightly worried. She folded her arms across her chest but remained withdrawn from the conversation.

No response.

Hiccup slowly approached her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder to snap her back to her senses.

"Astrid?" He spoke softly.

"They're gone..." She sighed.

"What?!" Hiccup gasped. Astrid just nodded.

"They were running late to the yak races." She explained with the same vacant expression on her face. "They're gone. The house is gone. Everything's gone." She listed.

"Astrid, I'm so sorry." Hiccup attempted to comfort her, though he really had no idea what to say or do at that moment.

"Hey, Astrid." Of course, Snotlout had to say something. It was Snotlout. He didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. "Do you need a shoulder to cry on?" He teased, resting his arm against her shoulder. Astrid turned and glared at him sternly before twisting his arm around his back and tossing him against the arena wall.

"Feel better?" Hiccup checked.

"Not really." Hiccup just let out a sad smile at her response before turning to the group.

"Listen up, everyone. Dagur was last seen fleeing due north." Hiccup announced. "By my calculations, he could be heading out of the archipelago. So, we're going back to Dragon's Edge first thing tomorrow. We'll use that as our base to search for him. Now, just go back to your houses, get a good night's sleep."

The riders all headed towards their dragons.

"Hey, where are you guys staying tonight?" Hiccup asked his blonde friend.

"I figured Stormfly and I would just bed down here."

"Haha," Hiccup chuckles nervously. "What a coincidence. I'm sleeping here, too."


The riders all agreed to a sleepover in the arena in a show of support for Astrid, though she wasn't doing much sleeping at all. After hours of just staring at a crack in the ground, with her knees tucked to her chest she gave in and grabbed her axe before heading out of the arena and towards town. She headed into the forest and started hurling her axe at anything and everything.

"Astrid?" Hiccups soft and supportive voice sounded behind her, but she didn't react and instead tossed her axe back into a tree for the thirty-second time, causing it to snap and topple to the ground. "Astrid, you need to get some sleep." Again no response. "Did you wanna talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Okay, you don't wanna talk. That's okay." Hiccup stationed himself on a rock a few feet away as Astrid continued to abuse the forest around her. "But I'll be right here if you change your mind."

Astrid was about to throw her axe once more but hesitated and dropped her arms with a sigh.

"Hiccup, just leave me alone." She growled.

"I'm just trying to help." He explained. Astrid spun around faster than she could blink.

"Well, stop trying!" She hissed. "That's what got us into this mess in the first place!"

"What?!" Hiccup wondered.

"You and your stupid feud with the Berserkers." She snarled. "If you hadn't wound Dagur up, he wouldn't have attacked our home! You drove him here!" She stepped closer and closer, impossibly close until Hiccup was almost trembling in fear. "My parents are dead because of you!" She bellowed and slammed her arm into his chest, and again and again and again. Her growls soon turned into sobs. Her punches slowed and she collapsed against Hiccup, dropping to the ground as she let out a pained scream. Hiccup just threw his arms around her and rocked her back and forth.

"Shh, it's okay." He assured. "I'm here. Just breathe."

"I should've been there." Astrid rasped, sobbing hysterically.

"What?" Hiccup glanced down at her in confusion.

"I could've helped. I could've saved them." She admitted between sobs.

"Astrid, one rider? Wouldn't have made a difference." Hiccup assured her, gently stroking a hand through her hair. The blonde refused to meet his gaze.

"We don't know that."

"Astrid, look at me." The blonde hesitantly looked up as Hiccup's hand guided her chin. "You're gonna be okay. I promise you."

"Hiccup, my entire family is gone." She whimpered. "I don't know how to live without one." Hiccup smiled down at her with an apologetic look on his face.

"Astrid, you have a family." He corrected. She looked up at him in confusion. "You're a part of our family." He explained. "You always have been and, I hope you always will be."

She smiled at him, finally meeting his gaze.

"Me and my dad and the riders, we all love you." Hiccup blushed. "We're here for you, no matter what. So, blood or not. You will always have a family Astrid. You're never alone."


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