Chapter 8

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Arianna's POV

Aaron walked towards the door and opened it before calling out, "ARMANDO , come here. Anna wants to meet you."

I took a deep breath and braced myself. This won't be tough but I can do it.

Come on Nhea.

**An Hour Ago**

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned as bright light shone on my face. I tried to shield my eyes with my hand but there was a fucking IV attached to it. So I groaned.

A nurse came rushing inside and scanned the room before asking me, "What's wrong?" Her voice professional and calm.

"Im light phobic" I answer before frowning at my answer.

Isn't it photophobic ?

"Huh ?" She asks to make sure she heard me right.

"Honey the bright light is hurting my eyes, can you please dim them or turn it off?" I plead.

Its like she suddenly realizes so she quickly apologizes switches off the all the lights except for the side lamp and I sigh in content.

"How are you feeling ?" She asks and I have the urge to groan again.

"I'm good." I answer and she nods.

"Are you feeling sad ? Or guilty about something like... you know.." she stumbles upon words and I frown.

This isn't the first time Im in an hospital.

Nor the first time Im in an hospital for having a panic attack. I know the exact questions that they ask.

I decide to put the nurse out of her misery and say, "No, Im not suicidal. Nor do I want to cuddle up in bed and cry. Im not traumatized and the reason for my panic attack isn't something to worry about. Don't worry."

Her eyes widens before she grins at me and nods.

"Thank you, that was everything. Shall I let the two guys in ? They want to meet you." She says and my eyebrows furrow.

One guy would be Aaron , who is the other one ?

"Two guys ? Who are they ?"

"One of them had a warm smile, blue eyes and brown hairs. He introduced himself as your boyfriend. Aaron. The other one looked a bit dangerous. He had grey eyes and black hairs with lots of tattoo. He is Aaron's bestfriend Armando."  She explains briefly and I gasp.

Armando? Is Aaron's bestfriend?
Grey eyes and black hairs. Lots of tattoos. FUCK.

"Armando ?" I question again to make sure.

"Umm yeah Armando Rossi." She answers and I join the pieces of the puzzle.

Aaron would always speak about his bestfriend Rossi, the crazy , angry , grumpy , scary yet the best one. I never thought it could be Armando Rossi.

They both seem very close and now they are outside.
Armando is outside waiting.

"Mam are you okay ?" The nurse, Lisa asks when my blood pressure goes slightly high in the machine beside me.

I quickly take deep breaths and calm my nerves.

Nhea you need to handle this. You can do it.

"I'm fine, thank you. I just don't want to meet them right now. Maybe after half an hour ?" I question with pleading eyes for her to understand.

"Sure mam, will do. I will let them in in an hour. Please press this button if you need something." She says pointing towards a button beside me and I nod , for which she smiles and exits the room.

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