authors note 💞

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and that's a wrap! thank you guys so much for reading my story and i really hope you enjoyed it!

i want to thank all of you for the constant support throughout the writing of this book :) it means a lot and it has really helped me keep going.

ill admit, there were some spells where i thought that i was just going to give up on the book. i either didn't have time to write or was swamped with homework (you know how high school is 😒).

but what's most incredible to me is that your support has reached me from multiple parts of the world all the way over to the netherlands, where i am! it feels awesome to have people finally read my writing.

for those of you who have commented, voted, and left positive and constructive feedback for the book, i appreciate you soo much! and for those of you who haven't and have just read quietly and (hopefully) enjoyed it, i appreciate you, too!

again, thank you guys so much for reading this book!!!!!!!

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