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I wake up the next morning with ten texts from my mom telling me that's she's left for her meeting and my breakfast, lunch, and dinner options.

Why she couldn't have put all of this in one text, I don't know.

There is no text from Ashton and I can't help but feel a little upset. But, I was the one who didn't reply to him last night so I can't really say anything.

After laying in bed for a few minutes, I get up and shuffle into the bathroom.

Once I do my business, I go downstairs and grab a granola bar from the jar we keep on the counter. I grabbed the one with the strawberry coating. Nasty. I put it back and grab one of the Chewy ones.


I spend the rest of the morning watching Netflix on the big TV with a large bowl of popcorn.

There are no texts from Ashton the rest of the morning and I wonder if Ashton's mom asked if he was doing anything with me today.

I can imagine him saying "no, she's busy today."

Well, I'm actually not at all busy today.

And so, before I can stop myself, I text him.


It takes a while for him to reply. One part of me wants him to reply and the other part, probably the smarter part, doesn't want him to reply.

"What's up?"

"You doing anything today?" Ew. I hope that doesn't seem like I'm asking to go on a date or something.

"Nah, you?"


I realize our conversation has kind of come to an end and I sigh. I have next to 0 conversation skills.  I put my phone down on the couch and focus back on my show.

Until another text comes in.

"Wanna come over? My mom wants to see you again."

I almost die when I read that text. But it's only for his mom. He doesn't really want to see me.

What else do I have to do?

"Yeah. Be over in a few."

Quickly, I throw the blanket off, and hop up off the couch. As I run upstairs, I stop by the kitchen and leave the popcorn bowl on the counter, still three quarters full. A surprise snack for my mom when she gets back, I guess. 

I climb the stairs to my room and consult my closet. I currently am still in my pajamas. The pants have unicorns all over them and the top is matching. I do not dare go over to Ashton's house in these.

After a few minutes, I pick out a pair of baggy two-tone jeans, a white top that's almost cropped, and the black Converse high tops I wear every single day. I'm not risking wearing an actual crop top around Ashton's mom.

Then, I grab my keys, hop into my car, and drive over to his house, which is only a five minute drive, maybe a ten or fifteen minute walk. 

His house still awes me. I pull into the long driveway. I don't really know where to put my car since I walked last time so I just guess. I'll move it if I have to later.

I walk up to the doors and knock. Ashton's mom is there within 10 seconds. She looks delighted that I'm here.

"Valerie! It's lovely to see you again! How are you doing?" she says. 

"I'm doing alright, thank you for asking, Mrs. Young.  How are you?" 

"I'm doing alright. Come on inside! Have you and Ashton made up any plans for today yet?" Before I can answer, she says, "Oh! And also, please call me Harriet!" 

I nod. "Nah. We don't have any plans, just figured I'd come over. What're you up to?" 

Harriet looks delighted I asked. "I'm just heading out to the garden store to buy some plants. My husband is out visiting his parents a few hours away but Ashton's inside. Cooking lunch, I believe. Head on inside and I'll be back in half an hour or so." 

I nod, trying to hide my horror. I didn't realize Ashton's mom was leaving. I thought she would at least be there with Ashton and I when he said 'want to come over? my mom wants to see you again'. 

I walk past her into the house and attempt to find my way to the kitchen, walking with my head bowed although there's no one here besides Ashton. 

"Valerie?" Comes a voice. 

I look over, see Ashton, and almost die. 

He's in a pair of gray sweatpants, socks, and no shirt with a black spatula hanging lazily in his hand. I almost choke on my own spit and cover it up with a cough. His bare stomach is perfectly toned. His arms are muscular but also lean. He's the perfect combination of both.

"The kitchens this way," he says with a smile, jutting his thumb behind him. 

"Mm, right," I say. "I was trying to find a bathroom."

"Also this way," he says. I can tell he's trying not to laugh. 

"Right. Show me."

So he turns and I follow him into a part of the large house I've never been before. A part just as pretty as the rest of it. He stops right in front of a door and gestures to it. "The bathroom, my lady." 

I look up at him for a second and smile. "Thank you, sir."

I close the door, lock it, and then look at myself in the mirror. I realize my entire face and neck are beet red and Ashton saw it. I wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole. I use the bathroom and wash my face and then step out. 

Ashton is waiting for me at the end of the hall, flipping the spatula around in his hand. He looks in my direction and watches me until I walk up to him. 

"My bagel is probably burnt by now, you take a long time in the bathroom."

"Oh shut up," I say. I can't help myself but smile though.

I don't look at him but I know he's smirking. Without another word, he turns around and starts walking and I decide to follow him. I follow him through at least three more doors and maybe four more hallways before we enter the kitchen. 

Which is, as you might've guessed by the description of the rest of his house, gorgeous. My mom would kill to cook a meal in a kitchen like this. Our kitchen is a quarter the size of this one. 

Ashton goes up to the toaster, which has spaces to fit up to four bagels cut in half, and pulls his out. 

"Do you always cook shirtless?" I ask without thinking. Then I slap my hand over my mouth in surprise. "Sorry," I mutter. 

He laughs out loud. "Nah, only for you, darling," he says. 

I know I'm blushing. And I know I shouldn't be. I've done much more with Ashton today than I should've done the whole time. 

But maybe it doesn't matter. Kacie won't find out because Ashton and I won't speak a word to each other at school. He said that and I believe that. Why can't I just have a little fun with Ashton while it's the weekend and Kacie won't find out? Its not like I have a crush on him or anything.

Yeah. It doesn't matter.


surprise!!! i went to the pool today and after swimming i decided to write this while my younger brother was swimming for a longggg time lol.

this is a bit of a shorter chapter because I didn't have a lot of time but i did want to get one done for u guys !!

im sure there will be another chapter coming soon, seems i have more free time on vacation than i thought ?

if you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote on it, and share this story! 

have a good rest of your day/night!

word count: 1343 words

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