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I've always had a particular fondness for Saturday mornings.

It's the first day of the weekend, you don't have to worry about getting to school, and you can sleep in for as long as you want.

What could be better?

Although, this particular Saturday morning I had no fondness for.

I woke up with a text from Ashton. It still said unknown number because I hadn't bothered to add him to my contacts yet.

It was asking if I would be around to meet his parents today. He sent me the address to my house and everything.

I could say no. Say I had something with my mom that didn't allow me to come over. But I would need to meet his parents at some point. Why not do it now?


I went downstairs to greet my mom a few minutes later. She was sitting at the kitchen table, working on an online crossword puzzle.

"Morning," I say. I'm still not completely awake.

"Good morning, honey! Any plans for today?"

"I'm going to go over to Danna's for a bit later today, if that's okay?" I ask.

My mom looks delighted. This must be the first time I've gone over to a friend's house in a while, if ever.

And I'm not even going over to a friend's house.

"Yes! That's fine! It's been so long since you've gone to Danna's house, hasn't it?"

"It's been a few months, for sure, yeah," I mutter.

I hadn't actually ever been over to Danna's house. I didn't know what it looked like or even what street it was on.


I spend the rest of the morning in my bedroom watching Netflix and trying to not to freak out about what was to come later on this afternoon.

Ashton and I had agreed on 2:00. I would eat lunch with him and his parents at his house and then hang around and play games or something.

He had planned out the whole thing. What a gentleman.

When 1:30 came around, I realize that I don't know what to wear. What would be appropriate for meeting your fake boyfriend's parents?

I decide to text Ashton, although he probably won't be too helpful.

"What should I wear?"

He replies almost immediately. "A sweater, maybe some jeans. Doesn't have to be too nice."

Oh thank God. I own plenty of sweaters and more than enough pairs of jeans.

After a few minutes of perusing through my closet, I decide on a lime green sweater and a pair of jeans that are long so I have to roll the ends up. I pair it with my favorite necklace and a small pair of hoops.

Nothing special. I'm not overdoing it. I would wear something better than this if I was meeting an actual boyfriend's parents.

This is fake.

All of it's fake.

And I constantly have to remind myself of that fact as I walk over to Ashton's house. 


When I arrive at the address Ashton sent me, I am very surprised. The house is large, a visible four or five floors.

It's modern but also old-timey in a way. I can't describe it but I love it.

I walk up to the large, double front doors and knock using the knocker.

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