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After a while of talking, Ashton and I migrate to the kitchen to cook dinner.

The last time I was here was when I had decided to open myself up to Ashton more. Before we became friends.

What are we now? I wouldn't call us friends anymore really. We talk and see each other often but it's not friendly talk.

"What do you want to eat? We basically have everything."

I shrug. "Um, pasta or something?"

He nods. "Will you grab a box of pasta from that cabinet over there?" He points to a cabinet that is rather high up.

I walk over there but I can't reach it. "This is unfortunate to say but your cabinet is a bit too tall for me."

"Just climb up on the counter," he tells me.

The idea of climbing on these counters scare me. They're the really nice counters you'll find at Home Depot that cost just that much extra.

He seems to notice my hesitation and laughs. "It's fine. We bought these counters on discount."

That is all the information I need to jump up onto it. I stand on my knees atop the counter and open the pasta cabinet.

The amount of pasta they have in one cabinet is astonishing. I grab a box of the elbows and set it down on the counter. I close the cabinet door and turn around.

Ashton puts a lid on the pot, having just set the water on the stove. He walks over to where I am on the counter.

I sit down, preparing to slide off. Before I can do that, however, he grabs my hips. A gasp escapes my lips.

"What are you doing?" I mutter.

"Don't tell me you don't want this either. I won't believe it."

I know what he's talking about. I'm silent. I do want it. Of course I do. But what then? Ashton has a girlfriend already. Kacie, one of my best friends, is basically in love with this man.

Ah, screw it.

I nod, answering his question without a word. His hand slides up behind my hair and onto my neck. He steps forward and his lips meet mine softly.

It's pure, sweet, wonderful bliss. His lips are soft against mine. We mold together perfectly. He pushes himself against the counter, his other hand still firm on my hip.

The kisses get harder. More urgent. Full of want and desire. His tongue slides across my lower lip, asking for entrance. I give it to him.

We're both breathing hard, our breaths coming out in gasps. My hands have tangled themselves in his gorgeous blonde hair and I'm pulling him closer, closer, closer to me. I can't get enough.

His lips begin to travel down my cheek, down onto my neck. I bend my head back, allowing him more space. Both of my hands go from his hair to the counter beside me, bracing myself.

He kisses everywhere on my neck, my collarbone. His hand slides down my back and lifts my shirt up.

He wants it off and he'll get it off.

We break apart for a moment and he yanks my shirt off harshly, throwing it on the ground beside us.

His lips travel down to my chest. My legs wrap around his waist for support. I'm gasping, basically at a loss for air. But I don't care.

Eventually, he brings his lips back up to mine. His hand goes to my waist and pulls me off the counter. He pushes my back against it.

I want him closer. He is as close as he can get but it's not enough. I want to melt into him. I want my body to be pressed against his for the rest of time.

We break apart eventually. Gasping for air, my lips swollen and my hair a mess because of his fingers.

"Oh my God, you're perfect," he mutters.

I can't hide the smile that escapes my lips. We rest our foreheads together and our noses softly touch.

Just as I had imagined that day in the parking lot.


I go home hours later. After at least three more make out sessions, I'm not sure how much more I can take.

My lips are swollen. My hair is so tangled it's going to require a long shower with lots of conditioner.

But it was the best night of my life. The feeling of our bodies pressed close together, our lips molding into one another's stays with me all night.

I arrive home to find my mom zonked out on the couch. There is a bottle of vodka on the coffee table. Empty.

Before I go up to my room, I take the vodka bottle with me and throw it away in the trash.

Upstairs, I change into my pajamas and attempt to comb my hair out. I was too lazy and tired to take a shower right now.

I have a new chat from Elliot Hensley.

Before I can stop myself, I click on it.

"Lunch was fun today," it reads.

"Yeah. Thanks for sitting through that weird ordeal with my mom haha."

"No problem. Parents can be weird sometimes."

"Yup for sure."

"So I never really got to introduce myself earlier. I'm Elliot, I'm a junior at Baseline Prep."

Baseline Preparatory Academy was one of the most prestigious schools in the nation. Just three miles down the road from my school. If my family had the money to pay the 35k a year tuition fee, I would be going there.

I'm not even sure why Ashton isn't going there. His family definitely has the money.

"That's cool! I'm a junior at Pines. Y'know, the public school." God, I sound like a loser.

"Yeah haha. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at any point. Not in a weird way, just as people who don't know each other and want to get to know each other?"

That would sound awesome but I just kissed the schools most popular guy so hanging out with another guy is the lowest thing on my agenda as of right now.

"Possibly! My schedule is pretty packed so I'll see if I can find time. That would be fun though :)."

One: my schedule is not at all packed. Two: i probably will not be finding time.

For the remainder of the night, I watch TikTok. At some point, I don't know what time, I sneak down into the kitchen and grab a spoon and one of the small pints of ice cream. I go back upstairs with it.

I must have fell asleep with it because I wake in the morning with a container of soupy stuff with a spoon in it on my bedside table the next morning.


hey guys!

hope u enjoyed that chapter! exciting first kiss hehe😏😏😏 im only expecting the book to have 5 ish more chapters so i just had to write that sooner rather than later!!!! ive been waiting to write a kissing scene since starting this book.

anyway, if you enjoyed that chapter, please vote and comment on it and then share this story so others can read and enjoy it, too!!!!

have a good rest of your day/night :) <3

word count: (not including authors note) 1221 words

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