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"The Court declares the accused as ...," the judge uttered, letting the suspense to creep in. The silence ensued, filling the court room with cold still air.

     Some of the people were sweating, fearing the verdict of what it might be. Others swallowed a lump down their throat. My client was visibly shaking whilst the accuser of the prosecution was full of hubris and of oblivion, not knowing what would happen next to which I was able to foresee.

     Not guilty. I smirked.

      After a few seconds of suspenseful pretense, the judge then continued.

      "Not guilty for the crime of theft. The trial is now adjourned," the judge gavelled.

      Everyone sighed in relief whilst the client of the prosecution prattled that the "not guilty" verdict was not just. I heaved a sigh. My client was now absolved for his unjustified accusations against the prosecution.

      "Thank you so much, Attorney," my client cried whilst hugging me.

      The latter didn't surprised me because, sometimes, I always receive hugs from my clients. I don't know what should I do in this situation but my mind told me to hug back.

      So I hugged back my client and let my client weep on my shoulder before he expressed his gratitude again and bid farewell.

      "Another case solved!" the judge spoke highly of me and I felt sheepish.

      "It just that I sided with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" I embarrassingly smiled.

      Honestly, it's just a petty case.

      "That is why many look up to you," he patted my shoulder, "Continue it, Defence," the judge thereafter left the court room with a trail of thumping footfall on the wooden board across the end.

      I sighed once again. Today was so draining and exhausting! I internally screamed.

      Let's look back at the case that we have solved just now.

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The facts:

The prosecution's side:

      Erica Luna, a 23 year-old woman. She is a woman of wealth, as shown by her ostentatious jewellery. A spouse of an opulent businessman. Who accuses my client guilty of stealing and should be incarcerated immediately for he will spread ill to the minds of many.

The defence's side:

      Cruz Villar, is a 35 year-old poor man, living in the derelict slums of a nearby area. He has two children, both are female. The family has been feeling the pinch of poverty. He is accused of the crime of stealing. I represent his case for the Court presumptively knew that the man has no intent of wrongdoing.

Version of the prosecution:

      At 9:27 on Thursday morning, the accuser went to Loqualle, a local supermarket, to buy a handful of dark chocolate with her purse stuck in her left arm upon entering. Before she bought some sweets, she compared the prices of brand to the other, thinking that the higher the price means the better quality. When she settled her decision, she reached for her purse only to be found missing. She then spotted the accused behind her and told him to bring back the purse. The accused denied the allegation and told her that he was just passing by. Their exchange of words brought the attention of the nearby stockers and they then dialed security.

Version of the defence:

      The accused went to Loqualle, at 9:46 A.M. on Thursday with an intent of buying groceries for his small family. He looked for the food section of the supermarket, and was going to pick up some noodles at the yonder of the section aisle in which the chocolate section was also located. When he passed the accuser, that was standing in front of the shelf of chocolates, he was confronted by the latter for she had thought that her purse was in his possession. Their heated contention attracted the stockers at proximity and called the security thereafter.

The issue:

      Determine whether the defendant is guilty.

The Court's ruling:

      Not guilty. The version of the prosecution lacked the necessary substance to prove that the defendant was guilty and the statement of the prosecution was questionable. Furthermore, there was a CCTV installed at the back in which the disagreement took place. In the summary of record, the accuser was, indeed, comparing the prices of the chocolates when an instance that her purse fell to the ground and was swept by her right foot when she took a step backwards to clearly see the prices since the supermarket had poor lighting condition. It was then the accused entered the scene when the former was satisfied by her decision and was going to take her purse, realising it was missing, she put the blame to the person that was near to her: the former [Cruz Villar]. At that happenstance, the Erica Luna blamed the defendant and the trial ensued.

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      I smiled at my recollection and claimed my victor.

      I hurriedly fixed my things only to be halted by an annoying voice at the other table.

      Why is he still here?

      "What do you want?" I asked nonchalantly.

      "Hey! Hey! Calm down! You're always hotheaded, I just want you to congratulate for winning this case that's all." he snickered and offered his hand for a handshake.

      I looked at his hand for a second and I finally extended my hand and shook his in order for this charade to end.

      "So, um, you're going home right? I can give you a ride." he offered to which I refused.

      "Thank you but I have to decline it. I can manage myself and I will take a jeep. Take care, Jonathan," I bid my farewell formally and rushed outside the court room.

      When I was outside of the establishment, the cold wind sucked my warmth, making my body shiver. I stopped at my track and looked at my watch.

      Shit! It's 10:46 P.M.

      I hurriedly went to the jeepney station to finally go home and rest. I paid my fare to the money collector which in turn gave me a change.

      The next jeepney took so long that I got bored. After many minutes of waiting, I produced my phone. After I tried many times, I have only realised that I left my phone inside the court room. I slapped my forehead with such force.

     You're so dumb, self! Forget all the things but not your mobile phone and the lunchbox of your mother!

The Case of 01462Where stories live. Discover now