Chapter 32

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{ About six moons later... }

Ivypool watched as Dapplekit leaped on top of Streamkit while Eaglekit and Rustykit were practicing their hunter's crouch.

Petalfur had one kit, Streamkit. She was a moon younger than the other three, but Tigerstar said she was really to be apprenticed. They all were. Today. All four kits were buzzing with excitement.

Petalfur will surly be watching over them. She died, only two moons ago of greencough when Tigerstar wouldn't let her get Petalfur the proper herbs. The kits were old enough to eat freshkill by then, so Tigerstar didn't need her anymore. Ivypool was now the only clan cat in the camp with just the kits.

Petalfur named Streamkit after the river, where Petalfur was born. Though she never got to tell Streamkit that.
Tigerstar was happy to let Streamkit become a dark forest trainee.

'The more members, the stronger we are!' Ivypool remembered his saying.

Eaglekit and Dapplekit had grown up to be strong cats, most likely fighters. Streamkit and Rustykit were quick and would be excellent hunters.

Ivypool was just afraid that Tigerstar wouldn't treat Rustykit like the other kits. He made it clear that the other kits were more important than Rustykit. Every time Tigerstar looked at Rustykit, he thought of Firestar.

Ivypool was forced to hunt for herself and for Rustykit. She was always tired at the end of the day, walking back and forth. Always hunting. Tigerstar let the other kits take prey from the prey pile.

Though she had managed to meet Mousewhisker every quarter moon to exchange news. Nothing much has happened, except the clan cats moved to sun-down place to be farther away from the dark forest patrols.

Ivypool sighed. Sometimes she had wished Tigerheart or Mousewhisker had come with her for company... But it would be useless. The only thing these kits needed was a mother-figure to guide them away from the dark forest ways.

Ivypool had caught extra prey yesterday so she won't have to miss the kits' apprentice ceremony. Ivypool laid down in the bright sunlight. It felt nice on her pelt. At once, all four kits ran over and leaped on her.

"We win!" Rustykit yowled.

"Ok, ok... You four are too big to be on me at once." Ivypool said.

"Yes," Ivypool hadn't noticed that Tigerstar was watching them, "today's the day you become apprentices. At sundown, so be ready."

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