Chapter 31

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Tigerstar watched as Hawkfrost led the prisoners into the dark forest camp. Petalfur, the kits, and Ivypool.
Tigerstar growled as he watched the traitor.

The dark forest cats led the prisoners into their den. Sparrowfeather took her place as guard, and more cats walked over to join her. Hawkfrost called them off, leaving Sparrowfeather the only one. Hawkfrost walked over to Tigerstar. 

"They escaped once, what makes you think they won't do it again." Tigerstar sneered to Hawkfrost.

"No... They wouldn't. Ivypool choose to come here and I don't believe she'll attempt to escape. The clan cats now know that the dark forest is many and powerful. There is no chance of them defeating us." Hawkfrost said.

'There is one way...' Tigerstar thought.

"We better keep a close eye on them, especially the kits. We still don't know which one is part of the prophecy!" Tigerstar said.

"We probably wouldn't know until apprenticeship." Hawkfrost growled, "so... You'll let Ivypool stay?"

"Call her over here."

Hawkfrost left for a moment, then returned with her.

"Yes?" Ivypool asked the dark forest leader.

"You're in our camp, so you'll have to go by our rules." Tigerstar said, "you must hunt for yourself, and for others. And you can't hunt in our territory."

Ivypool opened her mouth to protest.

"Or else you'll be throw out of the dark forest and onto the thunderpath quicker than you can say mouse." Tigerstar hissed.

Ivypool slowly nodded, "of course."

Hawkfrost said, "better get going, it's already past sunhigh and you can't have any prey from our freshkill pile."

Ivypool glanced back and forth between and two toms, then left.
Hawkfrost turned to leave too.

"Why her?" Tigerstar asked his son.

But he only flicked his ears to show he heard as he continued sending out patrols.

Tigerstar heard a meow from the den as his grandkits play fought.

'Soon they'll be fighting for real.' Tigerstar thought.

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