How can this happen?😡

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Finally Bright had climbed the window which was open , lucky to him. Win had already went inside the house. Soon later Mew and gulf came to the house. Mew didn't know how to enter so he just called Bright.
"Bright how can I enter the house there is no way here".
" There is a window up there. Just look up".
When Mew saw up he noticed a open window.
"Yea don't tell me that I need to climb that in order to get into the house".
" Well of course you have to".
"Ugrhh fine I'm  coming wait".
Mew ended the call and turned to his side to talk with gulf but was surprised because no one was there.
" Psst psst Mew up here. Hey ".
Mew looked up to find gulf standing inside the window, then he knew that ghosts are very fast. He climbed to the window pretty fast and gulf was sure impressed by that but will he say it in front of Mew hell no.
" Ok come on now".
Gulf nodded and followed him.
On their way they saw Bright and win hiding and quickly went to them.
"Bright, win we are here now".
" Yea about time I think. See thirat's bike is outside itself".
"Did he come now".
" Yes just now. Now keep quite all of you".
They all saw someone banging the door, thanya went to open it and Thi rat came in.
"Thirat right, why are you here at this hour".
" Oh me I have a small business with you".
"Oh did that filthy supanot and chirathoom sent you here".
" Filthy huh you bitch mind your tongue ".
He tooka bunch of her hair and pulled. Mew was not going just sit and see all this so he got up to go but was stopped by bright.
" Why did you stop me bright".
"That's because you have to wear this or else we will be the next target of them".
" Mew bright is right wear it" Gulf ordered and Mew listened. Thirat was going to slap thanya when Mew came and stopped his hand in the mid- air.
"Who the fuck are you ".
" Your death" .
Right then Mew started to fight with thirat and bright being the brainiest took a hold of thanya's hand and took her out. But thirat saw that and went to hold bright's hand to stop him from going.
"Where do you think you are going to you useless piece of shit ".
" To a place were asshole like you don't even look at us ".
And then bright kicked him off. But thirat had a gun which he shot in upward direction.
" Hahaha what going out huh, now you little piece of- ahhhhhhhhh what the heck".
Thirat was boosting off when suddenly gulf came in and snatched the gun. As only bright and Mew can see him and of course win. Gulf decided that he would save the three of them, y'all know that Gulf is the baddest bitch so he started firing at his legs. His aim was good but he purposely avoided his legs or ankles.
"Ahhhh what the hell is this. Stop it, stop it".
" Hahahhaahhhaaaa" All the four , Mew, gulf, bright and win started to laugh at him.
Tay had already informed the police about the situation but did not mention anything about his identity.

Well on the other side some people were not happy about this. Those were yep you guessed it right, it was chirathoom and sunapot. As they knew about thirat getting arrested they were boiling in anger.
"Hello jin i think we have to be more careful from now onwards".
" Why, what happened ".
" Uh thirat got arrested today".
"Oh my god how and will he report us".
" He got arrested when he was in thanya's house while trying to kill her. And don't worry he will not report us".
"Well how can you be so sure that he will not report us and how come those police got know about him going there and trying to kill her".
" We don't know who is back of us but we will surely kill them and also don't come here for now. Police will be Or may come to your spa too just to investigate ok na".
"Ok ok i will be careful with that".
End of their conversation.

" Did you get it "asked newwie.
" Yes I did"said Tay.
"Wait did you really get the recording of jin jira, supanot and chirathoom talking like really".
" Yes I did hin".
"Huh hin what is that" Newwie tilted his head while he didn't know that he was pouting too and that was too cute to Tay to handle. So he clears his throat after coming back to earth.
"Oh um your name is too long to call so I will call you hin. And why hin because you look like a rock, a cute rock though".
Tay whispered the last part but little did he know that newwie already heard it and was blushing to it.

Tay called singto and krist to come home for now.

With mewgulf and brightwin::

Gulf had put the gun down as soon as the police came. Mew and bright were already out of the house as they can't be seen. Thanya was taken or more like rescued by the women police officer.
The police was interogating thanya too.
"So mam what is your name and who was that guy".
" I am thanya and that guy was my old school classmate".
"Ok what do you do for living".
" I am a teacher sir".
"Do you know why that man was trying to kill you".
" No sir. I don't have any contact with him though".
"Ok ok ".
Soon a knock was heard and a officer stepped in.
" Sir a woman has come to the station stating that she is Ms Thanya's sister".
"Ok and what's her name".
" Her name is jin jira".
"Is that right Ms Thanya. Do you want to meet your sister now".
" Actually no sir I don't want to see her face now".
"Why Ms thanya. Don't you like your sister".
" I loved her sir but she was the reason why me and my boyfriend broke up".
"Can you please tell me what exactly happened between you and your sister".
" Actually my boyfriend called me when I was just sitting in the house yesterday, he said to come to his house and I went. But when I got there he accused me of me cheating on him when I didn't even cheat on him, he threatened me that he will kill me but I know he will not, he said that my sister had told him that I was cheating on him".
"Why would she, your sister would tell your boyfriend that you cheated on him".
" Actually my sister is the ex girlfriend of my boyfriend but she told me she was happy for me when I introduced my boyfriend to her for the first time".
"Ok MsThanya for now take some rest, clear your mind for now we can't leave you because I suspect there are more people behind him so it is not safe for you go. So just stay here for now".
Thanya just nodded as she was too overwhelmed to speak.
The officer got out of the room and went to his cabin, we're already some officer were there.
" So what did you all get" He goes and sits in his chair.
"Sir the call we got couldn't be able to track down as it was a burner phone".
" And sir we  also found that Pran who used to be the boyfriend of Thanys is now in jail and someone named Pat is trying to bail him out".
"Ok and what did you get about thirat".
" Sir thirat is actually a student in abroad and came here 2 years ago to settle down here".
"And also sir Thanya is a teacher in rain high school ".
" Yea I know that".
"No sir actually thirat was also a student there and he was classmate with thanya but they never talked".
" Ok did you find anything else".
"Yes sir actually this thirat was raised by commissioner supanot".
" What are you serious here".
"Yes sir thirat's parents died when he was very young so supanot sir adopted him and started to raise him".
" Oh well ok. Anything about jin jira".
"Yes sir her parents died due to an accident when she was in college and thanya was 17 years old. But one thing about her sir".
" What is it".
"She studied in thailand central university while Thanys studied in London but who paid for it is still unknown sir".
" Where did thirat study and what in abroad ".
" He studied in London and he studied pharmacy sir".
"Hmmm pharmacy huh ok".

With tay and new::

Bright, win, Mew and Gulf came to the house back as their work was now finished.
" Are you sure she is safe in there"win asked and Gulf hit his head.
"It's a police station what do you think idiot".
Win pouted and bright's heart beat was faster than usual though which didn't get unoticed by newwie.
" Aww P it hurts ".
" Very well then gulf and win stop bickering now. Bright did you check the school's building ".
" No tay but i will go now, I just have the blueprint of it".
"Good then take singto with you it will help".
"Ok tay ".
Singto nodded at tay and both of them started to pack to go to the building.

With singto and Bright::

They reach the school building , as it was night time no one was there.
" Bright do you know any other way to go in".
"Yes I know follow me".
They go to the backside of it and the climb a window which was slightly open. They now are inside the building,
" Bright what do you think that thirat had work here".
"I don't know maybe drugs distribution I think".
" He is in that business too".
"No he just works for supanot".
They saw a door which was not in the blueprint.
" Bright this door is not there in the blueprint right".
"Yes you are right. What is this".
" Come let's see".
As the opened they saww.
"What the fuck" Both shouted in unison.

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