its them, they are beautiful though 😍😍

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There came a biggg sound from the basement. Mew and Tay rushed to the basement as they thought that singto and bright had gone into a trouble or something. But it was a whole new story, bright had accidentally slipped on one of the cardboard boxes which was many in number. Singto pulled up bright, as he was the closest to him.
"Are you okay na? But how did you trip suddenly" asked sing as he was concerned about bright.
"I seriously don't know".
" Ok ok bright sing what are you both doing here ".
" Oh Tay , Mew actually we were searching the house but we couldn't find anything, suddenly bright stumbled upon the basement and he called me to come here. And when we got here, we saw all these boxes, that's when bright slipped ".
" Ok ok sing , bright open one box and see what's inside that".

" PNew they are checking our stuff and you are simply sitting here doing nothing  . This is not you PNew, we have to do something or else they will destroy it".
"Nong win let them check our stuff, because they are special cops and maybe, just maybe they can help us. I am really tired of living like this".
" But PNew we are already dead, how can they help us and heck they can't even see us , so in what hopes do you have that they will help us huh ".
" I don't know I just have a feeling that they will surely help us".

"Ok Tay there are many tapes here. Maybe someone had done a blog or something ".
" Hmm bright there is a name on the side of the box, see that. Who's name it is ".
Bright nodded.
" It says here that it is the box of Newwie thitipoom. Oh".
"What, what happened. What did you see".
" This box has dairy too".
"Ok give that whole box here , I will take care of it".
Bright nodded suspiciously to him but gave it to him cause he didn't wanted to be scolded.
Tay looked at it and sighed.
" Ok guys if you find more boxes like this then take it and come to the living room ok na".
"But why tay. Don't tell me that you are going to check it".
" Of course I will".
"Oh my god are you mad. What if the ghosts fo these people come and get us ".
" Bright are you really a cop. Look Bright I do not believe in anything, I believe only in justice and if these tapes can bring justice to them and all the people in this town I will watch it many times then and no one can stop me".
"Uhmm ok you go I will see more".
Tay nodded and went to the living room. He sat on the sofa and started to open the box. He saw there was a dairy but decided not to tell the others (why I don't know just read) . He put a CD in his laptop (cause there is no TV there) . By then everyone came with all the other 3boxes and sat down beside Tay.
"Ok i am playing it now".

(The text will be on bold font . It means the people saying there in the CD will be in bold. Enjoyy).

There in the big van, steeped out a man, well a very beautiful man.
" Ai  get up and dont film my shoe".
The person kit now came up slowly and the video revealed a face of a beautiful man to which Tay was flabbergasted just by looking at it.
"Aow PNew the entry to a film of the male lead should be like this only P".
" You and your film, now kit help winnie to take the luggage I will help gulf and where is that man who has the house key did you contact him".
"Oh yes P i did contact him, he said that he is on his way" He said while helping win.
"Winnie would you like to say , how are you feeling".
" Ok uh first of all i am very hungry and second of al l I need Pnew to make my favorite green chicken curry and last of all I need to sleep bye" Bright heart rate was faster as krist showed win's face, and not only him singto also felt the same thing when he heard krist's voice for the first time. Gulf was  busy unloading the luggage and when he was done he came front and stood beside everyone who was seeing the house from outside.
"Hello hello I am Thirat and i have your house key sir".
" Oh ok give that sir and also are there electronic appliances ".
" Yes sir i had already arranged everything sir".
"Oh ok ".
The man handed the key to them and went. They entered the house. After that krist showed everyone's room and that was all the first video was.

"Wowwww they are beautiful" Bright slightly shouted.
Tay cleared his throat "ok ok now next CD, Sing, Bright and Mew whose box you have".
" Huh I have win's box" Bright said.
"I have some gulf's box" Mew said.
"And I have krist's box" Sing said.
"Ok now let's play gulf's CD".
Mew nodded at Tay and started to put the CD in Tay's laptop.

(Bold is the people talking in the video)

Gulf is sitting on his bed and there the bed is full of papers but it is not visible. Gulf starts recording by showing his face and Mew's heartbeat starts to raise but he didn't say anything.
" Hello to whoever seeing this video, I don't even know who will see this but I got excited when kit filmed his video so I also decided to do that cause why not. Well today night we got an invitation, Mr Thirat gave it to us and apparently it is from this town's only spa owner Jin jira. I don't know who is she but Win was telling that her sister that is jin jira's sister Thanya is an old friend of his. So we are going today well I just called my friend Mild and asked about her's and her sister's profile so maybe he will have something that will be useful for us. Ok I got to go byeee".

That was all was gulf's video.
"Ok  for now let's wrap this up and sing call cheif and ask him to look for  mild's, Thirat's, jin jira's and Thanya's profile . I want it by tomorrow afternoon ok na".
Singto nodded and left to call their cheif.
" Ok let's go out to eat and tomorrow we will be seeing the others video".
Singto camee and joined them. Everyone went out to eat after keeping the boxes in their room.

The came home after some time and went to their room to sleep. They changed to more comfy clothes and went to their bed. Tay chose to read Newwie's journal though.

(Bold is what is written in the journal) .

Hi to the person reading this,

I am not a person who writes a journal but as I am in a place that no one knows what is going on, I am writing this. Today I and all my friends came to this town chanagun. We are in the names of Kao as in me, Krist as Arthit, Gulf as Type and Win as Tine. We are a group of researchers that work for police but they don't know us. Not even the higher authority, our identity is hidden. We heard that there are many murders happening here so we have come for that too. I don't know if we will solve this mystery or we will only become a mystery but I have faith in myself and my group. We were invited to a party by jin jira the owner of the only spa in chanagun. Win knows her sister Thanya though, they were old friends. Thanya and win lost contact when she came to chanagun. Thanya is actually a teacher it seems in this only school in chanagun. Well I am sleepy now. So good night.

Tay closed the book and slept or did he. When Tay felt a slight jerk he opened his eyes but when he did his whole surrounding was full of black but then suddenly he was in someone's living room. He also saw Bright, Singto, Mew and whole Newwie's group standing. They were all flabbergasted, they were looking each other's face when  suddenly they heard a sound which more sounded like a slap. And many footsteps which was coming downstairs. And there came two men and a woman. It seemed like a man was protecting the woman from the other man.
"No no stop Pran, Pat tell Pran to stop na. How can he do like this".
" Ai shia pran stop Thanya is scared. Stop all this. You were not like this, why did you changed".
"You shut up, don't come in between us. That bitch cheated on me, now move aside or else".
The person pran took a knife which was on the table in the living room.
" Or else I will  kill both of you ".
" Aaahhhh stop pran. I really didn't cheat on you, believe me".

And then Tay was back . He woke up, where as the others too experienced the same thing and woke up ( not newwie's group) .

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