Can I return to my original life?

Your eyes widened when it took only a few seconds before a response scribbled down below the question. Holy shit. This was magic... how was this working?

If you return to your original life, you'll be stuck in a coffin, rotting away. You're dead, love. Unless you wanna go straight into sweet, sweet heaven, then it's better to stay here as it is.

You immediately scowled in exasperation, a lump of disappointment growing in your stomach. This wasn't helpful at all. The pen nearing the page again, you wrote something you never thought you ever would.

Can I drop out of school then?

It took a while before the the cursive writing wrote back to you. You had a feeling it was because they spent an entire minute laughing at your stupidity.


Well, that was predictable.

You said there were ranks in the school. What are ranks?

Ranks are basically the level you're at in the school, compared to other students. Based on how well you do in your classes, your ranks can rise or fall. The ranks are 1 through 5. 1 is the lowest while 5 is the highest, meaning elites. 1-4 ranks can be attained by passing or failing tests, but 5 is structured differently. To gain the spot of an elite, one must battle an elite, unless there's an open spot. The open spot can be attained by challenging other students who want that spot as well. Oh, I never told you what rank you are in, did I? Well obviously, you're in rank 1. Only rank 3s and higher are able to graduate in most schools; unfortunately, because this is Dawning High, you'll need to reach a 4, at least.

Still a little rude, but at least this time, the answer was more informational... still just as disheartening. A four?! How the hell were you supposed to reach such a hard goal? Most of your teachers probably already disliked you at this point.

One last question. Why is the school system set up this way? What kind of jobs come out of these courses anyway?

I'm not about to waste my time giving you a history lecture about how the system is this way. Go research it yourself, darling. I will tell you that the jobs are similar to your previous life though. There is just a lot more businesses and CEOs. CEOs are usually of people who were elites back in high school, hence why everyone wants to become an elite. Filthy rich bitches.

Okay then... Shutting the notebook closed, you slipped it under your pillow and sat there in deep thought, your eyebrows knitted together. They had the same jobs... interesting.

You finally took notice of the laptop sitting on the desk in the corner, its silver color glistening in the dark. Climbing off the bed, you went to the desk and sat down on the chair. Flipping the laptop open to reveal its black screen, you turned on the device, allowing it to illuminate the room with its white light. Research mode turned on. It was time to use your strongest suits to prevent yourself from ever having to experience a day like today. Your hand on the mouse, you guided it to reach the search engine.

An hour went by of you reading through countless of useless articles. But you couldn't help it. Skimming the endless sea of pages about history made it feel like you were in the middle of a research essay, something you had enjoyed doing while classmates complained. It wasn't until you stumbled on a name that you found something valuable.

Aoyama Toshiaki

The mouse clicked on the name and you began to read a biography about this man: Growing up in a family who owned one of the biggest companies in the world, he was involved in the family's businesses as a young kid from the beginning. Smart, skilled, and especially strong, he was nearly perfect. With his exceptional skills and his reputational name from his family's company, he easily climbed positions in politics. Eventually, he became governor. Overriding other people's suggestion, he switched up the school system's focus and donated money to build the magnificent school that came to be known as Dawning High. A new rank system was created, where the term, elites, took place as the highest rank.

So the school system hadn't always been this way. It was changed not too long ago actually... by one man.

You scrolled down and found a picture of the guy. Golden eyes looked at the camera, turning into slits as the middle-aged man smiled. His dark brown hair was overly gelled to the point that it looked greasy and a trimmed mustache sat there above his lips. Small wrinkles began to appear on his face, showing his age. In a fitted, black and white suit, it showed the large muscles he still had on his arms. There was something about him that unnerved you. Maybe it was the way he was looking at the camera, but you hoped to never stumble across him.

His face beginning to creep you out a bit too much, you scrolled down once more to find a comment section. There was a fine mix of positive and negative comments about him. One of the comments caught your attention the most.

The biggest elitist you'll ever meet. Heard he's looked down upon others since he was a child. Because elite programs did not exist back in his day, he created it just for his son. If his son wasn't an elite, he'd beat the shit out of him. Kind of fucked up, right?

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