"Once the business part of the night is done," Nikki grinned back anticipating Tommy's reaction to his next statement. "Well, I might have booked the testing room for a couple of hours too. You go do your rounds. I'll wait for Athena to arrive and then meet you at Sixxty9 at quarter past nine."

Nikki couldn't help laughing aloud as Tommy bounced out of his seat in excitement, already grabbing his keys in his rush to get out the door.

"I'm outta here, then," Tommy said. "Night, Stormy. Love you!" Tommy yelled to his daughter. "Later, Sixxer!"


Early March 2012

Three Weeks Previous

Nikki picked up the plain white business card between his thumb and first finger and studied it. On the front, an image of a silvery J shaped piece of metal was printed. It appeared rather uninspiring until, on a closer inspection, the ball on the shorter end and the closed-loop on the longer end suggested its intended use. The card had arrived several months earlier in a plain envelope, without a return address or accompanying letter.

Turning the card over Nikki looked at the back of the mostly blank card. Across the centre, a single phone number was printed in black ink. There was no name, but the area code indicated a New Jersey location. Below that, a second number had been carefully handwritten in a very familiar hand.


But Nikki needed to talk with her alter ego, Mistress J, in regards to another phone call he'd received recently.

Richie's late-night phone call after Storm's Sweet Sixxteenth had initially thrown him off his axis completely once the true nature of the call was divulged.

Loverboy wanted to start experimenting...with them.

It had both rattled him and intrigued him. Nikki's libido had been on a hairline trigger since Richie had told him about Jon's request. Even now, just the thought of finally removing that suspiciousness from Loverboy's eyes, by whatever means, had him filling out his pants somewhat.

As yet, Nikki hadn't discussed anything with Tommy. He wanted to wait until after he'd made the phone call to organise a few things. Richie hadn't mentioned how far Loverboy wanted to go, but Nikki wanted to have all bases covered just in case they needed the playroom. Oh, how he wanted to use the playroom!

Nikki was in his office in Sixxty9, with the door securely locked to ensure that he would not be interrupted. Standing alone in front of his desk, he tapped the card on the edge a couple of times, as if deep in thought, before resolutely picking up the phone and calling the second number. The call was answered promptly after the third ring.

"Juxtaposition," a formally polite but unrecognised female voice answered. "Membership number please."

"I don't have one, but..." Nikki started.

"Sir, this is a private number for the use of our privileged members only," he was curtly interrupted. "I don't know how you obtained it, but if you don't have a membership number I must ask you to hang up and recall the officially listed number."

"Now, wait a minute," Nikki said quickly before the line was disconnected. "I was sent this number, handwritten, on a business card."

After a few seconds of silence, the voice replied briefly, "I see. Hold the line please." There was a click then the hollow sound of an open line, although refreshingly with no annoying muzak.

Nikki used the waiting time to perch on the front edge of his desk and take a couple of slow deep breaths to calm himself. No matter how annoying the preceding conversation, it was important that he not allow his temper to rise; events would not go well for him if he did.

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