Eruption 11 - Fu Hua Shisho

Start from the beginning

Classes had ended for the day leaving the student body to go about their business, going out to the city, studying extra for the exams or just hanging with their friends. Fu Hua was no different as she had books held under her arms as she walked down the hall, looks of admiration being shot her way from her schoolmates.

Fu Hua didn't pay them any mind as she was used to it by this point. Not only was she strong but Fu Hua was smart and beautiful, maybe not the most beautiful by some standards but she had many admirers across the years. There wasn't a single student who didn't respect her at least, even the more troublemaking ones and delinquents as most had been put to the dirt by the Class President.

As she made her way down the hallway her mind unintentionally drifted to the only male student, Onyx Scale. The speckled lady had noticed the stares from him whenever they were I'm classes or past by each other in the halls. She wasn't one to care normally but with Onyx she had a different reason to be attentive of him and Kiana.

Fu Hua: 'It's been like this since last week, it's not a lecherous gaze at least. But it seems he does want something from me.'

Suddenly the sound of a shoe hitting the floor woke her of her musings and look back up seeing the boy of her thoughts. The black boy was standing opposite of her and staring at her, it was simply the two of them around as others were nowhere around. They stood there in silence for a bit, staring at each other and not in a romantic or sexual type of way. However, the tension was between them nonetheless.

Fu Hua: 'That gaze again.' "Is there something you need Scale-san?"

Onyx: "Don't have to be so formal, roomy but yeah."

He fake coughed into his fist before bowing down his head to Fu Hua.

Onyx: "Please let me become your student!"

Fu Hua: "...What?"

She was already surprised from the sudden bow but the request was what had shot her from the horse. It had caught her completely off guard to say the least. Composing herself quickly she told Onyx to stop bowing which he did.

Fu Hua: "Why?"

Onyx: "Hm?"

Fu Hua: "From what I've see you've been making good progress in both classes and practicals. So what reason do you ask for my tutelage?"

Onyx: "Cuz you're different, your power isn't like everyone else's, meaning so are your fundamentals. I feel like maybe if I learned a thing or two from you I could get a better insight into my own potential."

Fu Hua simply listened as he explained his reasoning, saying naught once he had done his explanation. This instantly made him worry if he was going to be rejected by the woman. However, she closed her eyes and walked past him.

Fu Hua: "Very well, you seem to be intent on it so fine. We'll have our first lesson at Arena 5 in an hour, don't be late."

Onyx: *smiles* "Gotcha ma'am."

Timeskip brought by Chibi Fu Hua sitting on Chibi Onyx doing push-ups

An hour later Onyx and Fu Hua had arrived at the arena as they had agreed upon, each in their respective battlesuits. They stood a few feet across from each other stretching their limbs with the boy then jumping up and down on the spot to warm his body up.

Onyx: "So what we doing here again?"

Fu Hua: "A simple spar so that I can measure your current ability and what I'm working with." 

Onyx: "Makes sense."

Fu Hua: "Use all the skills at your disposal so I can make an accurate evaluation."

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