Eruption 9 - Onyx vs Kiana

Comenzar desde el principio

Onyx: "I said everything that was on my mind! From here on out I'm fighting like "me" for real! Nuclear Punch..."

Kiana jumped back out of the way of the attack, only to realise it was the first of many as more punches were heading to her.

Onyx: "Barrage!"

The young lady was forced to just block the onslaught of punches, each one getting heavier than the last due to Karma. She let out a yelp as she went flying from the last attack. Kaslana righted herself in time to see Onyx charging her once again but jumped out the way to aim a kick at his head which he pulled away from before raising his arm to block the follow up kick. He then dodged Kiana's Gun-Fu attacks before ducking another overhead kick, he used the opening push her back with a tetsuzanko. The white haired girl slid back slightly before standing straight and charging at him. She went off with two gun jabs which he weaved before putting his fists up in a boxer stance and swung back at her squaring her in her right cheek. Pissed at this she immediately went back to kicking but was blocked allowing for Onyx to once again mink her in the face.

He faked out some rolls before going for a jab and a straight which Kiana dodged so he was going to back fist her only for her to block it. She went for a jab only for him to weave it and grabbed her hand to pull her into another punch. Kiana stepped back before wiping her nose and doing a backwards tornado kick that Onyx ducked under. The white haired girl tried to back off but her opponent didn't allow that as he was right in her face.

Onyx: "The thing about people who specialise in kicks is that their range of effectiveness is limited once you get in their face."

He socked in the face again then blocked a backhand to then backhand her in her face before spinning closer to her and doing it again without looking back.

Onyx: 'I get her tempo now.'

He then kicked the side of her torso under the ribs flinging her away. Onyx ran to close distance with a charged punch but this time Kiana went for a Neko Charm kick which clashed with his Nuclear Punch.

Kiana: "What the- he went flying last time."

Onyx: "Nuclear Punch Rampage!"

A red explosion was let off from the point of contact causing Kiana to retreat back but was unable to avoid the damage. She coughed a bit to clear her throat from the dust that the explosion kicked up. Onyx broke through the dust with his sword in hand to stinger Kiana but she used her leg to redirect the attack away from her.

Kiana: 'Pft, simple just something a boy would do-'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a left hook to the side of her face stunning her from the sudden attack. Onyx then went for a diagonal slash from down to up only for it to get dodged but he ended up kicking under her ribcage once more making her cringe at the pain. Kiana saw him grip his sword with both hands and begin to bring it down but didn't flinch.

Kiana: 'It's a fake out-'


Only for her to be incorrect as the blade made it's way down her torso in a critical hit. He then followed up with a front kick to her abdomen with full power, she rolled along the floor from the momentum before skidding to a stop.

Onyx: "I'm not a swordsman. I'm new to fighting Honkai not people."

Kiana: "Ouch."

Meanwhile Onyx sheathed his sword before gathering more power into the red orb from earlier, when completed it became a source of bright red light akin to a sun. It had made it somewhat hard for the audience to look directly at it. Kiana shakily got up on all fours, wondering if the kick had kissed her spine, as the wind was effectively knocked out of her so she began breathing. A red light clipped into her peripheral vision and looked to see the source, squinting slightly at it.

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