Chapter 7: Choice.

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Harley walked slowly, swinging her hips in a provocative way, her eyes locked on Namjoon. Once she reached him, she bent over, traced his arm with her fingers and smiled. "So strong." She whispered. "I can't imagine how good you'd look naked. Purrrr..." She liked her lips.

A shiver ran through Namjoon's spine. He caught her arm. "What do you want?" He snarled back.

"Uwuu, so dangerous. So hot. Tell me big boy, don't you want a real woman?" She winked.

Namjoon shook her hand. "What do you want?" He said through gritted teeth.

"You." She got closer to him and whispered in his ear. "I want you."

Namjoon was stunned for a moment. "You can't have me."

She heard Jin cleared his throat. It was time. She kissed his jaw, long and wet. "Tell your girlfriend if she ever pulls another stunt like she did in the cafeteria, I'm going to rip her to shreds. Do I make myself clear?" She whispered again in his ear.

"What are you talking about?" Namjoon asked confused.

Due to the fact that he had to take care of Yoongi, he didn't went to the cafeteria, he had no idea what had happened.

"Don't act stupid." She sat in his lap and wrapped her hand around his neck. She traced his lips with thumb. "I don't like stupid men. Do you understand what I'm asking of you?" Her voice was honey sweet, music to his ears.

Namjoon gulped. There was something so intricate about her. Her eyes were hypnotizing, he couldn't look away, as if he was put under a spell.

"You haven't answered." She hissed.

"I will talk to her." Namjoon agreed.

"See? It wasn't so difficult, now was it?" She got up and kissed his cheek. "See you around."

Namjoon's girlfriend was seething. She just witnessed her boyfriend with someone else. Someone she hated. Her insecurities were showing and she didn't like it. That girl made her feel ugly. She stomped towards her, but Namjoon caught her arm. "We need to talk."

"Fuck you." Suji yelled before running away from class.

Jin and Harley bumped fists. "You did great."

Harley shrugged. "Did what I had to." She took out a lollipop and started sucking it, this time her eyes were on Yoongi. "Brother, I want him."

Jin looked at Yoongi then back at his sister. "Really? Him?"

"Why not? He's cute. He looks like a cat. A wild cat."

"Okay then. Go fetch."

"I will."

Once the girl left Namjoon's lap, Yoongi released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Though it was subtle, he didn't miss the look on her face, almost as if she was asking if he had enjoyed the show. Which he did. Maybe their parents plan wasn't so bad. She knew how to play with fire, and god dammit he liked fire.

He stared at her as she licked the tip of the lollipop, her eyes locked with his. His crotch became intensely uncomfortable as he started to harden, imagining her lips around his cock. Her tongue licking his length.

Namjoon stared at him and the girl and coughed to get his friend's attention. "Dude, you're getting a boner."

"Do you blame me?" He replied back, his eyes still on the girl. "This is going to be easier than stealing candy from a child."

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