Dragon's Blood

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He had just returned from Order's mission, Sirius tired and dirty entered his apartment. He walked through the living room and walked to the doors of bedroom, he stopped at the door aisle. He looked at Alex, who was laying on the bed and reading the book, she had only underwear and some tank top on, and her hair was still wet from the shower. Suddenly all tiredness was gone like magic, Sirius felt how peace flew back in his body. Alex lifted her head and smiled her warm smile. This was one of the moments that he wanted to remember forever.

"Hi," he greeted softly.

"Hi," she said back. It didn't mattered that there was war outside this apartment, at this moment he felt good, as always when he saw Alex and her charming smile.

Sirius plopped on the bed beside her and leaned in to press a kiss on her cheek; she smiled and turned her head to properly kiss him back.

"Hmm," she dragged out and wrinkled her nose, "you stink," she said quietly.

"But you smell amazing," Sirius teased. He put his hand under her tank top and started to draw circles on her back. Her skin was so soft; sometimes he just wanted to spend the rest of his life caressing her gentle and soft skin.

"Like I said – you stink," she chuckled.

Sirius laid on his back and looked at the ceilings, evening's sunset rays played there, coloring them in light pink and orange tones. Slight breeze came in the room through the opened window; it was particularly hot evening at the end of July.

Last couple of weeks had went by in a rush; both of them have worked without a rest.

"Are you tired?" Sirius asked without taking his eyes off the ceilings. His hand slowly caressed her thigh.

"Yes, Mad-Eye almost killed me today, I was running all around the Ministry all day," Alex replied, her eyes still glued to her book. "And this week was just madness. And you?"

"Mm, yes, I think that I am beat," Sirius slightly laughed. "Want to do something this evening?" he suddenly asked.

Alex turned her head with disbelief in her eyes. "Are you alright?" she asked sarcastically, "because I think we just agreed that be are tired like dogs."

Sirius laughed aloud, he liked when Alex said something about dogs, because she didn't knew that he was animagus. He looked at Alex, she really looked tired, but he needed to do something to not slide into home-work-home routine.

"I meant it," he stated. "Let's go to the Dragon's Blood?" Sirius suggested. It was a club in the far end of Diagon Alley. There always was music, muggle and wizard, it was a rock club where you could shake your hair and feel free. And that was exactly what they needed right now.

Alex bit her lower lip, she thought over his suggestion. Finally, she smiled, "Fine, but you have to go and shower," she pointed.

Sirius laughed, kissed her and went to bathroom.


They entered the Dragon's Blood and the sound of music surrendered them. It was Wednesday's evening, but club was full of people, mainly young wizards and witches that just wanted to have some fun.

Sirius and Alex went to the bar. "What's your poison?" bartender with long hair and tattoos stood in front of them.

"Something that would keep us up all night," Sirius answered, bartender smirked and went to make their mysterious drinks.

"I like it here already," Alex stated with excitement in her face while she looked around studying the place and the people.

"This place is not bad," Sirius agreed, looking at Alex. She looked amazing, with black pants, his T-shirt which was tied around her waist, denim vest and army boots, she just blended in perfectly.

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