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Alex was able to read everything that he wanted to say to her in Sirius's eyes, he did not need to speak; she knew that many things had changed. Alex could not look away from Sirius; he looked so handsome in his perfectly tailored suit.

"You look stunning tonight," he said. Alex looked into his perfectly grey eyes and was lost for words; she did not wanted for this moment to end.

"You look great too," she smiled. "I must admit I've been wrong," Sirius raised his eyebrow, "you are more amazing than I thought."

Sirius smiled his most charming smile. "Thank You, Watson," he smirked a little bit.

"No problem, Black," Alex could not resist and gave him a small smirk too.

She felt Sirius's hand playing with the dress's hem on her back; he traced his fingers on her back where it became bare. Alex remembered events in the passageway from the Honeydukes and blushed a little bit. She remembered how actually she did not wanted to stop Sirius, but now it was too late.

Alex's hand rested on Sirius's chest, she felt how hard his heart was beating. Sirius gently touched her bare back and Alex felt how his heart started to beat even faster. She felt the goosebumps on her back and pressed even more to Sirius's body.

"It is hard to keep myself in check if you are wearing a dress like this," Sirius said without breaking the eye contact.

"What is wrong with my dress?" Alex raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Here are a bunch of girls which are wearing more provocative dresses than I am," she smirked.

"What other girls?" Sirius whispered when he pressed his lips to her ear. Alex could not resist and smiled.

"You know what, past month and a half has changed a lot of things," Sirius said more seriously, looking in her eyes. "And you can't deny it."

Alex knew it perfectly that past month and a half was great. Sirius was her shelter, and she had no clue how to thank him for that. He always found the right words to calm her down, and he knew how to put her to sleep. Before Alex did not even knew that she could sleep so deep, peacefully and long. His cuddles were magical.

"Yes, I can't deny it," she agreed.

"I think it is completely obvious," suddenly he was seriousness himself, "that our feelings towards each other haven't gone anywhere," Alex knew that Sirius spoke the truth.

"What would you say if we went out on a real date?" Sirius finally asked.

"And what will happen after you get bored with me?" Alex could not hide her uncertainty.

"What else should I do to prove to you that you can trust me?" Sirius very calmly but sadly asked.

Sirius did not needed to do anything more, Alex trusted him completely; she just could not overcome her fears.

"I don't know," she said quietly, Alex did not wanted to confess that she was just afraid. Sirius gently grabbed her chin and leaned in to kiss Alex, their lips touched, Alex felt how her knees got weak, she moaned and pulled back. "Sorry..."

Alex turned around and rushed out of the Great Hall, she did not wanted to see her friend's faces. She could have bet that they were watching her and Sirius. And she didn't turn back to see Sirius's face, because it would probably made her heart break. She just rushed away to hide in her bedroom.


It was Christmas Eve and Alex sat on the stone bannisters in the courtyard of aunt Radella's mansion. No, her own mansion, because aunt had left her everything she owned. Wind was blowing and it was cold, but Alex didn't mind. She looked over the bannisters where down below sea crashed against the cliff.

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