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Sirius was sitting in the Hogwarts Express and looking through the window, outside on the platform 9 ¾ was standing a girl, who was casually pressing against a lamppost; her arms were in her pockets. She looked over the crowd, looked like she was not expecting someone, but in that case she would not been standing on the platform, she would have already been on the train. The girl's name was Alex Watson, she was a Gryffindor the same as Sirius Black.

They both was in the same year, but Sirius knew about Alex as much as the next person. He knew that she was independent, joyful and trustworthy girl, but on the other hand, she was also a one big mystery to everyone, especially to boys. Sirius has heard wild rumors about Alex from other boys about how she treats them and how wild she is in bed. However, he thought that Alex possessed quite amount of charisma and that made her special in his eyes.

Even now, she was just standing, but positive energy was radiating from her. With her calm honey brown eyes, she looked in the distance as if she truly was not expecting anyone or anything. She was beautiful. Maybe not the most beautiful girl in the school, but definitely beautiful. Alex had unique hair color – dark brown hair with lighter brown highlights. Looked like it was her natural hair color, but Sirius was not sure, because this combination was so unnatural.

"Hey, Prongs!" Sirius called to James.

"Yes?" indifferently answered James.

"Does Watson ever had a boyfriend?" seriously asked Sirius.

"Well... Now that you ask me, I can't remember," thoughtfully said James. "Want her for yourself?" with a grin asked James.

"How did you guessed?" sarcastically asked Sirius, but in his sarcasm was some part of truth.

"How could I forget that you are completely unpredictable?" James laughed.

"I think that she could be spicy catch," thoughtfully said Sirius who was looking outside the window and studying Alex.

James looked outside the window and in a very dreamful voice said, "She is an angel! She looks, thinks and speaks like an angel!"

"Prongs, are you alright? Were your obsession with Evans go?"

"You idiot! I am talking about Lily!" James was offended.

Sirius also looked once again outside the window and saw that Lily Evans just had appeared on the platform. She went straight to Alex, they were best friends, and they hugged and then stepped on the train.

"If you continue like this than this carriage will not need window washing," Sirius was smirking. James was looking at Lily with his forehead pressed to the glass and with his mouth wide open.

"Over the summer she has become more gorgeous, did you notice?" dreamy James asked Sirius.

"If you say so," Sirius responded lazily. At that moment, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew came in the carriage.

"Hey, guys!" Remus shouted. "What's up?"

"Prongs almost drowned in his own saliva looking at Evans," simply stated Sirius.

"Doesn't surprise me," Remus laughed.

It was 11 o'clock and train began its journey to Hogwarts. Remus went to prefect carriage. Remaining Marauders talked about their summer holiday and tried to come up with some cool trick to start the new school year.

After some time Marauders heard weird noises coming from somewhere near, sounded like someone was fighting. However, they were here, who had courage to get into trouble without asking them to join? Suddenly Sirius heard glass breaking and a loud thud. It sounded like someone has just fallen to the ground.

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