The Hospital Wing

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"Alex!" he shouted watching as her body fell to the ground. Sirius wasn't able to catch her and once again she laid on the ground. He kneeled down and turned Alex on her back, she was unconscious. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, but she did not woke up. Sirius started to worry.

Everything around him seemed so far away, he just saw Alex, but it felt like everybody had stopped fighting. Sirius felt how people now were surrounding him and Alex.

"What happened?" it was Remus's voice he heard like coming from the far.

"I don't know, someone hit her with a curse," Sirius shook Alex one more time but nothing happened.

"We have to get her to the Hospital Wing," Lily suggested. Before anyone could say a word, Sirius picked up Alex in his arms and started to walk towards Hogwarts.

Sirius looked at Alex who was lying in her arms. She looked so peaceful, but that was not a good sign. He needed to get her to Madame Pomfrey as soon as possible, Sirius heard that others were following them, but he didn't hear a word they were saying.

Sirius was worried sick about her. He did not know why Slytherins hated Alex so much, especially his own brother, but he couldn't find out because they were not on speaking terms. Sirius once again glanced at Alex, didn't looked like she would gain consciousness any time soon.

They reached the castle, carrying Alex in his arms Sirius rushed into the Hospital Wing and laid Alex down in the nearest bed. Lily went to get Madame Pomfrey. Sirius brushed away some hair strands from Alex's face; he did that very gently not to harm her any more than necessary.

Madame Pomfrey ran to Alex and started to question everyone about what had happened. Sirius heard that Lily was explaining, but only thing that he wanted to hear was if Alex would be okay. Couple of minutes Madame Pomfrey busied herself around Alex, she waved her wand and murmured some spells, and then she turned to everyone.

"Everything is going to be fine with Miss Watson, now she just needs to rest," she smiled very weakly.

"Mister Black, what had happened to your face?" Madame Pomfrey shrieked when she for the first time looked at Sirius.

"Emm..." Sirius looked puzzled, but then he remembered that his nose was broken. He had completely forgotten about that. "Nothing," he said quietly.

Madame Pomfrey shook her head but didn't say anything, she just waved her wand, Sirius's nose reset itself, and blood vanished from his face.

"Fine, you lot now go to dinner," she started to guide everyone outside of the Hospital Wing, "you can come and see your friend tomorrow," she added before closing doors behind their backs.

"Let's go to dinner?" James asked, he sounded not like himself; apparently, afternoon events had made a mark on him too.

"Guess so," said Peter. Everyone started slowly to walk towards the Great Hall, even Lily walked with them. That surprised everyone.

"You know what, I am not that hungry actually," Sirius broke the silence. "See you guys in the common room." He turned and left them in the middle of the corridor.

When he reached the common room, Sirius crashed in one of the empty armchairs in front of the fire. He didn't lie, he really wasn't that hungry, besides if later he wants to eat he could get something from kitchens.

Common room was empty because everyone was at the dinner. Sirius looked at the fire and thought about Alex. She really looked amazing today, Remus was right – all of the Great Hall looked at her when she left. But was it really just the looks that made Sirius notice Alex?

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