He stumbles a little trying to keep up with my pace. "I just hate the way they refer to you."

"Oh? " The crease between my eyebrows reappears. "Like I'm just some girl?"

"What? No, I—" 

"Like I don't mean anything?" I continue to throw his words back at him and this earns me an exasperated look.

"Would you just slow down for like five seconds!" His hands fall on my shoulders as he steadies himself and efficiently stops me from moving any further. "Just listen okay?" Trent drops his hands back down to his sides with a sigh. "The guys just kept pestering me about you, it was like that for a few weeks, saying how I've known you for awhile and well... you heard what they said, but I just couldn't take it anymore." He rushes those last few words out as if they'd cover up the things previously said. "So I said those things. It was unbelievably stupid, I know." He takes a step forward, "but I swear, I swear to God, I didn't mean them."

When I don't answer right away, he takes the opportunity to read my face. His eyes flicker around. They go from my eyes, to my nose, to my lips, my forehead, my chin, then back to my eyes again as if trying to gauge my reaction.

I blink back at him. Once, twice, before I shake my head and take a step back. "Your times up." I step around him and start walking, but this time he doesn't leap in front of me.

"You're still walking away?" he asks, and when the frustration leaks from each word I stop in my tracks. I whirl back around to face him, and the wind whips against my cheeks, whipping my ponytail around, as I throw my hands up in the air.

"You can't just say those things and then claim they weren't true!"

"They weren't—" He starts, but I cut him off.

"Oh," I drag out the sound and end it with a humorless laugh. "Keep telling yourself that because you don't just call someone worthless and then try to take it back as if it never happened." I take a step forward. "Is that why you never introduced me to any of your other friends? Is that why you made sure you only spoke to me when they weren't around?" I throw my hands up again not caring who hears me even though the parking lot is only full of cars. "Here I was thinking you actually wanted to spend time alone with me, but really you were just hiding me from your friends—who, if I'm being honest, really aren't your friends if they don't accept who you want to be with, if you even want to be with someone."

Trent opens his mouth to say something, but quickly closes it while I run a hand over my head before dropping it back down to my side.

"I didn't mind that we didn't put a label on whatever we are, or were." I wave my hand not only hoping to distract from the slip up, but also to distract myself from the sadness that's starting to creep up behind all the anger. "But I at least," I bring my eyes back up to his because if there's anything I want him to hear—its this. "But I at least thought you cared about me as more than just some girl." 

Trent holds my gaze as his mouth opens again, but he once again shuts it. I wait a second. I blink back at him. Once, twice, waiting to see if he'll prove me wrong, but he doesn't. I shake my head, only revealing my disappointment, before turning back around. Finally deciding to turn my back on this situation once and for all.

"I was scared."

All the muscles in my back knot themselves up and cling to my spine as my knees lock in place.

"I was scared because what they were saying was true, and I just didn't want to believe it. I refused to believe it... Lacie, I am so completely and totally whipped."

Slowly, I pivot on my heel, twisting myself back around, and find that he's still standing a few feet away. Once we lock eyes though he takes a step forward.

Potentially You and Me (Two Truths and a Lie)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα