Episode 1: Years go on

Start from the beginning

Now me...
I truly became what I thought of myself as...a failure...a weak excuse of a leader who was so broken by the events of that day that I couldn't even protect myself...and now I'm pampered by the people who once looked up to me for help...I just feel like dead weight now, no matter how much reassurance they spew at me..I'm-


I slammed the book shut, and look back at the door to my room.


"Come on, Yuri wants to talk."

Natsuki said in a rather sweet tone..kind of scary considering it's coming from a girl with a bloody nailed baseball bat...

"I'll be down in a bit...-"

She left the room with a small nod. I get up from the metal desk and throw my journal into its drawer.

Wiping away that one uninvited tear I turn and leave the room, checking my pocket for my knife making sure I didn't toss it away again.

The girls and I found this...cabin a month after the festival..when we gave up on the city we went back to the forest. We found this place buried in leaves an moss deep in the untouched parts of the hill. It was paradise compared to the shit hole we've been through.

It was perfectly secluded and concealed from the world but with survival comes the exploration.. We now had a home but we needed food...we needed to live.

We constructed a boundary of sort around the house and started this routine of two teams going out and making sure we're safe and also go out for supplies in the city...

"Okay...what's going on?"

Yuri and Sayori were at the dinner table who seemed to already be talking about what the problem was.

The yellow light bulb being the only thing that illuminated the room during this night..

Yuri turned to me and leaned back in her chair, her katana placed at the center of the table while Natsuki was off in the small kitchen.

"It's the walkers..."

This...was the name every survivor gave the zombies but things have been different with those things for some time now too..

"What about them...?"

"For some time now they've been...getting closer to the forest."

"What used to be one or two freaks we would drop with ease are now small packs...and they're growing."

Natsuki said as she walked into the room with a few bottles of water.

"And then there's those fucking raiders.."

She slammed the bottles onto the table and let out a frustrated grunt. The raiders she's referring to is something bigger than just random survivors...we've had uhhh a complicated relationship with them..

"They've ran every store on the outskirts dry, gun shops, super markets, groceries...we are in short of options.."

The way Yuri phrases that suggested that she has something in her mind she's finding difficult to express...

What Remains | Act 1| A DDLC storyWhere stories live. Discover now