Chapter 8

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Candy opens her mouth to say something, but she closes it quickly. I am about to ask her what she was going to say but I am cut off by Jason who appears out of no where. He asks us what is taking so long. I tell him that Candy and I were just finishing up. He smiles at me and tells me that he has to take his siblings home. I nod and hug him goodbye. I tell him that I will give him and Jake some leftovers. He smiles and tells me that Jake will love that. I laugh. I go to the living room and what do I find? My sister. Jake. Kissing. No. Full blown making out on the floor. I hear footsteps behind me. I hear Candy gasp and Jason laugh; then I hear a camera go off. It seems that Scarlett and Jake don't even notice. I can't take it anymore so I tell them that Jake needs to go, I also clap. That gets their attention. They quickly pull apart.

I ask them what they think they were doing. Neither of them answer. I tell Scarlett that Jake is leaving, like right now. Jake just nods his head and gets up. I tell him goodbye and then I turn around to Jason and hug him and kiss his cheek goodbye. He smiles and says goodbye to me and everyone. I listen for him to close the door and when I hear that he did, I turn to Scarlett. She curls into herself, like she is trying to hide from me. She knows I'm really fucking pissed at her. She knows better than this. I just shake my head at her and look at Candy instead. I ask her if she has changed her mind. Candy says that she thinks she has too now. I tell her that she is right. I tell Candy that she can wear some of my pj's. She smiles and says thank you. Candy goes to change and Scarlett grabs her and begs her to stay. Candy shrugs and tells Scarlett that she has to deal with what happened. I tell Candy thank you. It's just Scarlett and me. 

Scarlett asks me if she has to go home tonight. I tell her that she has to go home. She sighs. I tell her that she has stayed with me for long enough. She asks if I am mad at her. I sigh and tell her that I'm not mad. I look at her and say to her that I would love for her to stay, but mom needs her. I give her a hug and tell her I love her. She smiles and says she loves me. Right at that moment, Candy comes back into the room. I tell Candy that we have to drop off Scarlett. Candy nods and tells me that we better go before it is too late. I nod and tell her to get the keys. I ask Scarlett to take some of the leftovers for the family. She laughs and says that she was about to do that. 

Once we are all in the car, including Luna, we hit the road. We blast some music and laugh the whole way there. I pull up to my family's home, I give Scarlett a kiss and hug. Candy does the same. I tell my sister to give everyone my love and I will see them in the next few days. I watch my sister go into the house and wait for a few minutes until I know for sure that everything is okay. I pull out of the driveway. It is just Candy and I. I roll down the window for Luna and let her stick her head out. I ask Candy if she wants anything. She looks at me and tells me she NEEDS an ICEE. I laugh and tell her I need one too. I drive to a 7/11. 

It is 12 o'clock at night so it isn't that crowded. I roll up my window and get out. I have Luna in my arms. Candy looks at me and tells me that I can't bring Luna in 7/11. I look Candy dead in the eyes and tell her "Watch me." She laughs at me and holds the door open. We walk in and I tell her to get the ICEE's. She nods. I head towards the snacks. I grab some chocolate and chips. I also grab some Monster. I go to the counter and Candy is already there. I notice that Candy as two cigarette packs.  We smile at the cashier. He just looks at Luna and doesn't say anything. He gives us our total and I pay for everything. I realize that he didn't even ask for my i.d. I shrug it off. 

We hop back into the car and we drive back. On the drive back I ask her (again) how she is doing. She sighs and says that she will be better after tonight is over. I frown. Once we are back I let Luna use the bathroom. I give Candy the key and tell her to get everything ready. She nods and heads up. I walk Luna for a few minutes. When Luna is finished, I head up. I walk in and see well more like smell, Candy smoking. I ask her if she can light me one. She nods. I put Luna down and walk over to Candy. I ask her if we can smoke on the window seal. She says she forgot and rushes over to the window. I tell her it's okay. We slip out of the window and sit. She passes me my cigarette. I smile at her.

We sit in silence for a few minutes. I break the silence and tell ask her if she wants to move in with me. She turns and looks at me with a surprised expression. She smiles and tells me she would love to. I tell her that we can rent an apartment together. She smiles and tells me that would be great. I tell her we can move in during the summer. She squeals and hugs me. I tell her that we have to tell Cotty and Brit. She laughs and says, "Of course we do!!" We finish up and head back inside. I tell her to check on our ICEE's. She goes to the kitchen and pulls our drinks out of the freezer. I laugh. I ask if she wants to pick the movie and she smiles. We lay on the couch. We need up falling asleep. I wake up on the couch with Candy's legs wrapped around me. I wake her up and tell her to go lay down in the guest bedroom. She groans and goes into the room. I clean up the mess and turn off the TV. I check to make sure the front door is locked and then I check the window. I go into my bedroom and head for my bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I throw my hair up in a bun then go to my bed. I put on my pj's and slip into bed. I turn on my TV and watch some Family Guy. I feel Luna curl up next to me. Before I know it, I am fast asleep. Dreaming of the day to come....

A/N: I am back! I am so sorry that I am being such a bad updater. I am going to do better. What do you think so far? I am so excited for the next chapter!! I am going to start it! Trust me, the fun hasn't even begun yet. There is so much more to come!! Get ready.... 

xoxo Tayler

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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