Chapter 7

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I realize that I'm hearing two voices. I recognize the voices as Jason and Jack. I stop crying and blink a couple of times. My vision clears a little, enough for me to see that Candy is trying to get up. I also see Jason and Jack running towards us with security in tow. The guy realizes that he doesn't have a chance so he drops me. I land on my back. Hard. I scream in pain. I see security run towards the guy. Jason runs to me and asks me if I'm okay. I nod my head. Jason wipes the tears away. Jason asks me if I think I can stand up. I tell him I don't think I can. He nods and helps me and holds me up. I turn my head to see Candy talking to Jack.  I see everyone else come towards us. Once Scarlett sees me, she comes running. Jason tells her that I was dropped on my back so she shouldn't hug me. She just nods and grabs my hand. Cotty and Brit go to get the littles. The security guys come over to Candy and I and they ask us what happened. Candy and I explain what happened to us. They ask us if we want to press chargers and we both say yes. 

Some paramedics come over to Candy and I to check us for any fatal injuries. I tell the medics that I was dropped on my back. I show them my back and they check it. They tell me that my back will be bruised and will hurt for a week, but other than that it's fine. They give me some directions on how to help my back and a list of good painkillers. I tell them thank you. When they look at Candy, they tell her that she will be in a lot of pain, but nothing is broken. They also give her directions and a list of painkillers as well. Once the both of us are in the clear, we go to everyone else to give them an update. 

Jack and Scarlett go get our things. Candy goes to talk to the park manager. It's just me and Jason. Jason grabs me and holds me. He whispers in my ear that he is so sorry. I pull away fromhim and I ask him why he is sorry. He tells me that he should have gone with me. I tell him it wasn't his fault. I also tell him if he didn't get to me sooner I could have been gone. He pulls me in closer. "My hero," I whisper to him. When everyone comes back and filled in, we decide that it would be best if we all go to my family's house. Jason holds my hand and Scarlett doesn't leave my side. The three of us go get Luna and quickly leave the park.

Jason lets my hand go when he goes to his car. I tell him to just follow me or Brit, since my friends have been to my house a million times. He nods and kisses my cheek, I smile at him. As Jason is getting into his car, I am putting Luna in the car. I ask Gracie to buckle Maggie in. I pull out of the parking space and call my mom. I tell her that everyone is coming over. She yells at me about not giving her a better heads-up then starts talking about cooking. I tell her bye and hang up. While I'm driving, Gracie asks if I'm going to tell mom what happened. I say yes. I look in my rear view mirror to make sure Jason is following me. Once we get to the house, Maggie unbuckles herself so quickly and runs into the house. I didn't even get a chance to turn off my car. Gracie and Scarlett get out and grab some stuff. I grab Luna. I see everyone else pull in.

My friends get out, grab their things, and walk right into my house. I laugh. I walk over to Jason and the look on his face is one of pure shock. That's the look on Jack's, Jazzy's, and Jax's faces. I tell them that they can go right in. They just nod. Jack and Jason get their stuff out of the car while Jazzy and Jax go inside. I open the doors to my parents home and I smell pizza and garlic bread. I put Luna down and she goes to find her mom and siblings. She is gone in a second. Jason and Jack ask where they should put their things. I walk them to the backyard. I pass my mom and tell her hi. She doesn't notice thou. Too busy cooking. When we get to the backyard I see everyone is already in the pool. I tell the boys that they can just put everything near the pool house. I strip off my cover up and carefully get in the pool. Jason and Jack come back and get in the pool.

We are all in the pool for almost 2 hours. Just playing and chilling. I hear my mom call for everyone to get out and eat lunch. Once everyone is out and warmed up, we all go into the dining room. Everyone laughs and has a good time during lunch. Deep down I know that I have to tell my mom what happened. If I don't then my mom will find out from a police officer, I don't want that. I feel Jason grabbing my hand and interlocking it into his. I smile and kiss his cheek. We all finish lunch and decide to watch movies. I tell my mom that I will help her with the dishes. She smiles at me and says thank you. Okay Faith...this is the "perfect'" moment to tell your mother that you and Candy were almost kidnapped. I sigh. I'm washing while my mom dries. I stop washing and my mom asks me if anything is wrong. I nod my head. I open my mouth and instead of words, sobs come out. My mom drops the plate and holds me. She pets my hair and wipes my tears. She asks me what's wrong. I tell her that something happened at the water park. She calmly asks me what happened at the water park.

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