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Later that night we were at the hospital where Hadley would be stuck for another 5 days and I would be next to him. Skipping school and everything. "I have to tell the school and the crew what's going on at the assembly today. Wanna bust out of here and come?" I said to him staring at my phone. "Sure. Just tell my nurse. I will only have an hour though." He said and I looked at him and smiled. He was to much of a goody goody.

-at the assembly-
"Now we have Miley Addison here to tell you some important news. Listen carefully staff and students." Mr. Seth said on the loud speakers. I got up to the pedestal and cleared my breath.
"This is a special message coming from a very close friend of mine and sorta my brother. As you all know, all Addison's from my family are gone. So this next person excepted me in his family. I'm now Miley Stewart, I guess. But, that person is gong through some really really hard times. He's here, in the crowd and most of you probably don't know who it is. Except, the crew." I said laughing. They were all sitting next to Hadley high-fiving each other. "Hadley's stomach mussels are torn which is affecting his lungs. Because of this cause," I made a really big gulp and looked out into the crowd. "He is living in a hospital and he's going to die in 5 days." I said. My face began to boil. I was hot and my eyes were getting blurry. I ran off the stage in the back stage area and everyone was silent. Not even a pen drop was out there. They were all shocked. They were shocked. Mrs. Stewart hugged me back stage. "I know sweetie. Somebody had to tell those teachers what was going on and I'm glad you were the one to say it." She said. I looked out into the wings. Anna, Kay, James and Cole, all began to cry. Chloe sat there patting Cole's back. He cries very loud. Anna, James and Hadley all cuddled and the rest were leaning on each other. Then James was the first one to speak. "This is not goodbye, this is see you later." He said wiping his flooded face. I went out in to the crowd and joined their huddle. "This won't be the same in 5 days." Cole and Kay said. They were right, highly right.

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