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Hey my name is Miley Kay. I'm a strong girl I guess. I don't care really about self confidence actually, so scratch that. I live with Chloe and Kay my best friends for many reasons.

The 1st one is that my dad is gone. He left me a note one time on my staircase saying that he was trying to find somewhere safe for us to go. Somewhere very inspirational and happy that our family can go. My mom was devistateded. She knew that my dad just left that to make me happy and to make me feel secure. She told me he wasn't going to come back and that things were going to change. My dad left me when I was 7, I'm 13 and there is still no sign of him. So maybe he's happy and living somewhere else, maybe he forgot all about me, or maybe he died peacefully.

The 2nd reason is that my mom...she...okay. My mom was very upset about my dad. She was doing all the work around the house. She had to pay all the bills. I only saw her at night. Late late at night. She worked all day and only came home from midnight to 8 in the morning to sleep. She told me that what she was doing was for the best and that she still loved me no matter what. I agreed with her. Her life then got so miserable. She didn't know what to do anymore. She lost her job and sobbed every night. She thought that I wasn't going to be okay. Finally, she committed suicide. September 28th 2014. My 11th Birthday. She thought it would be okay. But I'm not fine at all.

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