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The thing is Chloe also knew it was about the book as soon as she walked in the door.
I didn't even know it happened honestly. It's one of those things that happened to fast that I couldn't do anything to stop it. if I could rewind and stop the time I would, it would also have a different ending.

We were in the hospital and James was giving me one of his "your the biggest jerk (he actually said a bad word there)" speeches. I just nodded through the whole thing. Anna wasn't concerned at all. "I get this once a week." She said, nodding her head in agreement with what he was saying. Only she wasn't aggreeing, she just wanted him to shut up. Then all this faded. I didn't care about James or Anna, or even Chloe who was calling Kay at art to tell her what was going on, I cared about my boyfriend. Of course any good girlfriend would do so, but this was relationship ending type of fight thing. Not really a fight. It was a one man thing. I punched him didn't i, he was trying to get my nose out of that book. If this ends our relationship, I'm burning the book.

Crap...don't do anything Hadley...I like that book.

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