"Now then....you have some explaining to do." Dazai said, his stare cold and piercing. "Explain yourself....what exactly are you doing with these people?" But Dazai spotted something on the person and stared at it. He then sighed in disgust and made his way back towards Poe.

"D-Dazai-kun why are you-," but before he could finish the person stood up an dusted themselves, taking their hood off to reveal a mess of shiny orange hair...

"Dazai you ass, could've noticed sooner?" He growled, as he massaged his cheek.

Poe blinked for a few moments before realizing who the person was, "Y-You're Chuuya Nakahara!" Poe yelled. 

"God...of all the people." Dazai groaned, rubbing his temples.

"Shut  up!"

Poe continued to watch the two bicker in confusion, "W-Wait....but....what-why-how....."  Dazai glanced at Poe and giggled.

"Calm down Poe, I'm sure hatrack's about to explain his stupid actions right now." Dazai grumbled, as he tried to find something pleasing to look at.

Chuuya glared at him, "I'm here on bosses orders. Apparently a killer has been coming here and killing some of the mafia's clients." He replied.

"B-But why did you attack me!?"

"Uh...cause I don't know you. So I assumed you were the killer..." 

Poe was silent for a few moments before his face stated turning red. "O-oh yea...haha.." he mumbled, as he played with his bangs. 

Dazai coughed as if trying to hold back his laughter, "Anyways...you look stupid without your hat shrimp, please put on a hat so I don't hurt my eyes looking at you." Dazai grinned. 


"U-Um...Chuuya-san?" Poe whispered, and surprisingly Chuuya heard him and turned around towards him.  


"I-If you don't mind...you wanna help me and Dazai-san out with-"



Poe jumped as Dazai and Chuuya yelled at him from the top of their lungs. The poor lad didn't seem to understand yet just how much the two hated one another. He sighed and watched as the two men glared at one another again.

"I'm leaving, this is a waste of time." Chuuya grumbled, as he lifted his hood up again and started walking away. However Dazai clapped his hands together and made Chuuya and Poe jump from the sound.

"Wait Hatrack, I think it would be better if you stayed with us."


"We could use your information to help us with our investigation. Plus I bet you don't wanna go back to Mori with poor results.....right?" Dazai grinned. Chuuya stared at him for a few seconds before walking back towards them. 

"You're disgusting....you know that?" Chuuya growled.

"At least I'm not an angry goblin who grumbles all the time~"

"You little-"

As the two had AGAIN started to bicker Poe and Carl watched from a distance. 

"They really are....great friends.....huh Carl?" 


"Where....are we?"

Poe looked around at the decay that surrounded him. Dazai had apparently seemed to have knew where he was going after listening to some information from Chuuya. He had led them to the dark parts of Yokohama....the slums.

(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice...(SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now