Home Is Where The Rights Is

Começar do início

Dream let go of George and started the car. He started driving. His car might of been full, but he wasn't. He was so exhausted that occasionally George would have to tap him to keep him awake. It got so bad that escaping wasn't even worth potentially dying in a crash.

"Babe, pull over. You're going to get in an accident..." George was over tired as well.

Dream complied immediately and pulled onto the side of the road. "We need to get somewhere safe..." He mumbled while laying back in his seat, shutting his eyes.

George set an alarm for two hours and kissed Dream's cheek. "We won't make it home if we get hit by a transport truck." He made his point and laid uncomfortably bent in the backseat. It didn't take long before they were all sleeping together. In the middle of a war zone, an unfit country. Endangered because of who they wanted to love. Endangered for who they are.


Once the two hours were up,they all woke to the unpleasant alert. Dream rubbed his eyes and groaned. No part of him wanted to start the car again.

His sister yawned and stretched, rubbing her eyes as she started waking up again.

George yawned as well, leaning up through the two front seats to look at Dream. "Good morning handsome..."

Suddenly Dream remembered why he had to keep going, and he started the car. Then they began their journey back to Central DSMP.


When George got through the front door, he threw himself down onto the floor. "We're home!"

Dream ran past him, grabbing their house phone because their cellphones were dead. He called his parents first, to see if they knew what disaster Snow Chester was withstanding. He needed to let them know he and Drista were still alive.

Drista walked in and collapsed on the couch. She closed her eyes and curled up into a little ball. Her and George sat in silence for awhile, listening to Dream speak frantically over the phone.

Suddenly, Drista started crying. George pulled himself off the floor and climbed up on the couch. "What's wrong, D? Are you okay?"

Drista screeched like a newborn baby that had no concept of self soothing. She simply cried out and screamed, trying to rid herself of her fears.

George awkwardly rubbed her back, feeling his own heart racing again. "Shh, don't cry! It's... it's all gonna..." George let reality sink in deeper. Karl and Sapnap were dead. Many people were dead. Even if they were safe now, they already lost so much. George started sobbing with her.

Dream came back from his phone call, looking between the two. "Wha-" he sat beside them and grabbed George's hand, then placed his other hand on Drista's shoulder. "It's all going to be okay...I know it's fucking terrifying, but we need to be strong, okay? Drista, I have to take you home now. Mom and dad are hysterical."

Drista shook her head. She wanted to weep on this couch until she became one with it.


While Dream was gone home to his family to drop off Drista, George was alone. Alone and he had nothing to do but mourn and panic. He felt like this was karma, for not taking the cult seriously when he wasn't being affected. He should of cried when they committed crimes against working women, or when they were kidnapping kids to prove points. Yet he simply turned off his TV when he saw those things. Now he was their victim, and he was unbelievably worried. He knew he'd lose Dream, one way or the other. Divorce or death, whatever they forced first.

George had a cigarette outside on the front porch. After that he felt a short moment of relief. He took a tylonal for his developing headache, and sat down on the couch. He used the TV as a distraction, and turned on a happy Pixar movie.

George waited for hours for Dream to come back home. He even managed to charge his phone to 100%, and Dream still wasn't back. He decided to text, and check on him.


George: Are you coming home soon? I'm freaking out here.

Dream: I'm staying here all night. I'm exhausted and my parents are worried about me and Drista. I should be home tomorrow sometime. Just get yourself to bed and rest baby. The cult is in Snow Chester, you'll be okay.

George: I can't be alone tonight! Sapnap and Karl just died! In case you forgot, Bad and Skeppy could also be dead. Who even knows if Tubbo and Ranboo got home safe? People we cared about are DEAD.

Dream: I know, so let me be with my family. I could of died too.

George: So I'm not family?? You should of taken me with you. I'm not staying here alone tonight.

Dream: The world doesn't revolve around you. My blood related family are more important in this situation. Just go to bed, I'll be home in the morning.

George: So screw me then? I can just be here alone and cry myself to sleep? Because I don't matter as much as everyone else?

Dream: It's not my fault you don't have a fucking family to go to. Stop being so damn selfish, you don't have a family to worry about. My mom is literally bawling her eyes out at the kitchen table, and my dad is pacing like a maniac. My sister is sleeping on the couch because she's too scared to go be in her bedroom alone. Let me be with them, For the love of fuck.

George: Don't come home then. Go live with them since they're so fucking important!

Ring Around My Heart (DreamNotFound +) CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora